We know that XO, Kitty does not in any way fall into the “fashion” show category. Still, there is something fun about the outfits and how well each character is styled to fit their personality perfectly. Today we attempt to tier-rank some of the best outfits of the show based on some simple categories. No. 1: How well does the outfit represent the character? No. 2 is occasion-appropriate; No. 3 is overall viewership appeal. Considering XO, Kitty is for young blood, it is only fair to see if these outfits would be worn by regular late teens, and from our judgment, they could! So, without further ado, let’s establish the tiers from worst to best.
Spoilers Ahead
5. Dae’s Feelings When Kitty Said She Liked Someone Else
We all know that Dae really loves Kitty, and there’s nothing worse than being told your love has feelings for someone else. These outfits are boring, unimaginative, and unworthy of Kitty’s gang or, as far as we can tell, entirely worthless. Fortunately, there are barely any outfits that fit into this category. If Professor Lee was into fashion, he’d grade these an F. Kitty’s black turtleneck and jeans are plenty for someone who is uninterested in fashion and wants to look put together, but seeing the rest of Kitty’s outfits, the colors, and the personality in them, this one falls really short. Now we know she’s probably wearing this fit because she’s giving a presentation to her parents about going to KISS, and presentation equals Steve Jobs, but this is Kitty Song Covey, sister of Lara Jean and born matchmaker; she could for sure have matched her outfits better to what she was truly feeling about KISS. Joyful and excitable. Fortunately, we don’t get to see Kitty in too many of these outfits later. We do see Kitty in a similar outfit later in the show, but that still resonates with Kitty more than this one, and it’s because she’s being expelled, so it only makes sense for her to wear black! But she’s also wearing jeans for a long flight back home, which makes no sense at all. Similarly, why would Kitty wear uncomfortable, scratchy-sounding patent leather trousers to the airport when she’s sad and wants to leave after hearing about Dae and Yuri? Make it make sense.

4. As Messy As Kitty’s Surprise To Dae
This category is for those outfits that work but don’t at the same time. They might be interesting pieces on their own, but they don’t match the personality of the wearer, they’re entirely wrong for the occasion, or we just don’t like them enough to rank them higher. As much as we absolutely love Min Ho’s electric blue jacket and trousers, it’s just too fancy an outfit for a school hike. Yes, it makes sense for Min Ho not to know what to wear to a hike and look fantastic, but we’ve got to acknowledge the problems here. Yuri’s DJing fit looks quite trashy compared to her other outfits, especially because of the classy style that she exudes throughout the show. We know Yuri’s nothing short of a Barbie and loves her pink outfits, so why not go with something similar to her welcome party outfit?

3. A Step Into The Kitty Gang
While Kitty isn’t really the fashion police, there are certain things that would make anyone fit in her gang: some color and vibrance, a lot of smiles, and cute trinkets. These outfits are lovely to look at, but they’re not good enough to be ranked higher; it’s just that simple. Kitty’s first airport outfit falls into this category only because her blue sweater looks amazing with the yellow of her bags. Yellow is definitely Kitty’s color, and every time she wears it, she looks great. The airport outfit, though, would’ve fallen lower if it hadn’t been for the colors, considering that, yet again, she wore jeans for a really long flight. Madison’s welcome party dress is adorable, and the polka dot pattern suits her personality well, but some of her other colorful outfits work better for her. She’s one of those rich people who are very nonchalant about their style very much and fits in with the crowd easily. Kitty’s hiking fit is cute and very on-brand for her, but we couldn’t help noticing that she’s the only one in shorts, meaning it might not be appropriate for the weather, and it’s denim again; joggers or tights would’ve worked much better. That’s why Yuri’s hiking outfit is great. She looks like she’s about to go to the gym, but she’s also got the holographic jacket to add to her style, never forgetting the bear locket on her neck. Min Ho’s date outfit is cute, and if it were a different character, it would definitely be ranked higher, but for Min Ho, it’s average at best. Lastly, Kitty’s Chuseok outfit is a cute skirt that matches well with her burgundy crop top, but that’s about it. Again, it lacks personality, and for an event that she’s organized, we know Kitty can clean up well! Kitty’s black dress at Min Ho’s party was a big disappointment as well because black is just not her thing. She looks great, and that’s why it’s even in the average category, but the lack of imagination makes it a bad outfit in our eyes.

2. As Perfect As Lara Jean And Peter
Now we’re talking perfection and grace. These outfits are almost fantastic, but just not as good as the best ones. Starting from Dae and Kitty’s matching checkered shirts when they’re putting up the locket at the Love Lock Bridge near Namsan Tower, it screams Seoul and a couple of goals. Kitty’s welcome party outfit could’ve been in the top tier, but because she slips on the cupcakes, we had to put it one rank lower. The sequence, the neon shoes, and the little bag all scream Kitty! Dae’s blue denim jacket and light trousers are not what we should’ve been looking at when he rushed to the airport to fight for Kitty, but they’re just so cute and match Dae’s golden retriever personality absolutely. Min Ho’s last outfit to the airport is how you do style and comfort, although the blue outfit from the hike would’ve also been fantastic for a long flight. Kitty’s white corset top and lavender trousers were the perfect combos for a cute date with Dae, so it makes perfect sense that it’s the outfit on the poster! This list is quite long, but we can’t be talking about the perfect pairing without the actual perfect pair of the show, Q and Florian. The little movie date that ended up getting butchered by Min Ho still worked out in the end, and we can say so did the outfits. Q’s blush pink tracksuit and Florian’s relaxed French style, contrasting with each other, deserve a Chef’s kiss. Out of all of Yuri’s perfect pink outfits, the welcome party one falls just a little short, also because, at that point, we don’t know what a nice girl she actually is.

1. Min Ho Would Approve
Finally, the last category is only for the crème de la crème of outfits on the show. These outfits are virtually flawless, and we will accept no debates. If the category is named after the best-dressed person on the show, it only makes sense to have a dozen of his outfits here. Min Ho’s style is dapper, young, and bold. The first time we see him in the Gucci shirt at the airport, it screams son of an empire going to his luxurious school where everyone worships him. His best outfit on the show has to be the forest green suit he wears at his own party to show them who’s boss. Finally, the all-black outfit he wears to save Kitty has a special mention here because of how it swished when Min Ho ran to save the day. RIP the coat that put out the fire. A very special mention of Min Ho’s blue pajamas that Dae wears on the day of Kitty’s arrival. If only we could sleep in silk pajamas every day. An unexpected twist here, but Jina has got to be one of the best-dressed people on the show. Her vibrant suits have no competition, and her last outfit in the show, when she speaks to Kitty about her mother, is the cherry on top. With such a stylish principal, the whole school should ooze style. The suit that Yuri buys for Dae for the welcome party is tailored perfectly and makes even Min Ho swoon immediately; of course, it had to be in this category. And lastly, although Min Ho screams style, we can’t forget the second fashionista of the show, Yuri! Yuri’s best outfits are all pink, of course, and we had to put them all here. Her intro outfit is classy and preppy, exactly the kind you’d see a Korean heiress in, similar to the press conference outfit, complete with the pearl hairband. The Chuseok outfit with the cute little jacket and the bright pink trousers is perfect for a day out at your fake boyfriend’s home. The little braid is the highlight of the look, and lastly, her last outfit, which looks like she’s wearing three pairs of trousers—nobody can be cooler than her!

Do you agree with our ranking? Which outfits were your favorite or least favorite?