In “Alaska Daily” Episode 10, Roz and Eileen find a voicemail that Gloria sent to Toby from an unknown number. This voicemail will reveal a lot and might even reveal her whereabouts on the night of November 28. Episode 11 is the season finale of “Alaska Daily.” It will reveal who killed Gloria Nanmac as well as why it took so long to find out the truth behind her murder. Eileen and Roz get their hands on crucial intel that proves how the authorities deliberately ignored ways that would have helped find out who killed Gloria, as well as other indigenous women in Alaska, as a part of MMIW.
Spoilers Ahead
Truth Behind Skeeter
Eileen and Roz visit the police department and listen to Gloria’s 911 call. In the call, she mentions the name “Ezra.” This is hard proof that Ezra was with Gloria at Skeeter’s. Moreover, they also understand that the sheer lack of infrastructure prevented the cops from finding Gloria’s exact location despite the then-governor’s promising to provide funds for the same. Eileen and Roz decide to write an article addressing all this.
Hidden Truth
They return to the office and start working on the article. Meanwhile, Gabriel tracks down the phone numbers on Gloria’s phone as per Roz’s instructions. These include Toby Crenshaw and Reed Gallahorn. However, one name stands out: Clarence Redding. To his friends Roz and Eileen, he is Skeeter. They dial the number and find that Skeeter’s niece, Sarah, is using it now. Roz introduces herself as Skeeter’s friend and manages to get his address in Anchorage. She and Eileen arrive at Skeeter’s home and find out that after Ezra left with Gloria, leaving his son at the place, he returned hours later wearing different clothes and gave Skeeter some things to burn, including clothes (presumably Gloria’s), threatening to kill him if he opened his mouth about it to anyone. However, he kept something with himself as a means of security at his previous house in Meade.
Merger Of A Threat
Back at The Daily Alaskan, Stanley is told that the latest changes in the printing schedule have changed the printing deadline for The Daily Alaskan from 9 p.m. to 7 p.m., which means they will have to file their news by 3 p.m. Someone else has taken over at 9 p.m. This, in turn, means that they won’t be able to gather the news for almost half of the day. And they cannot do anything about it, and neither can the guys at the mill because all this is part of the plan of a new “player” in Anchorage. A new shift in ownership is happening in the city, it seems.
A Legislative Clue
Eileen and Roz watch on a screen as a couple of policemen arrive at Skeeter’s house. They search the place and find a pair of partially burned crutches hidden inside a wall. Toby’s lawyer and Roz meet Toby at the police station and tell him about the latest advancements and about Ezra having killed Gloria. Toby has less than 36 hours before he enters his plea. And with the DA being lazy and rather disinterested, they will have to present the new evidence on a platter so that he can take the few necessary steps to begin a new line of investigation into the matter. This will take time. But does Toby have that much time?
Return Of The Father
Bob informs Yuna, Justin, and Claire that the editor of the Wasilla Gazette newspaper, which has been undergoing rebranding and merger with another newspaper, has been fired and replaced by blogger Dennis Gibson of the Anchorage Eagle, who hates The Daily Alaskan. So it seems that the owner, whoever it is, is trying to take over all of The Daily Alaskan’s primary competitors. This is bad news, as The Daily Alaskan might end up pushed out of the market. Yuna and Justin track down Dennis Gibson and find him shaking hands with Conrad Pritchard, Aaron’s father. They inform Stanley about it, and he calls and tells Aaron that his father has been financing the merger of the Anchorage Eagle and the Wasilla Gazette. This is clearly a revenge strategy by Conrad (Episode 10 ending).
The article by Roz and Eileen on Ezra Fisher has been published on the newspaper website. Sometime later, Gabriel informs them that the DA has called for a press conference. The ladies arrive at the press conference, where Governor Thacker informs them that the charges against Toby Crenshaw have been dropped and Ezra Fisher has been arrested.
‘Alaska Daily’ Episode 11: Ending Explained – Does The Daily Alaskan Publish The Truth Behind Gloria Nanmac’s Murder?
As Eileen and Roz are returning to the office, Eileen gets an anonymous message mentioning the phrase “LRS192”. At the office, they find out that LRS stands for Legislative Research Services. They arrive at the Anchorage Legislative Building and find that report number 192 is missing. They then meet Public Safety Commissioner Brenda Haynes and ask her about LRS 192. She refuses to say anything about it but arrives at The Daily Alaskan the same night and hands over the report to Eileen personally. It contains the discussed solutions to the MMIW issue and the broken legal system. Brenda is ready to go on record about it. Based on the report, Roz writes an article stating all the changes required in the legal system that could have saved Gloria’s life but were brutally ignored by the administration. In this way, The Daily Alaskan brings an end to the 2-year-long investigation into the truth behind the murder of Gloria Nanmac. Gloria’s mother, Sylvie, comes to The Daily Alaskan office and expresses her heartfelt gratitude to all the people, especially Roz and Eileen, who brought her daughter justice.
The same night that Roz’s article is sent for publishing, The Daily Alaskan team is having drinks at Tolstoy’s Beard Bar. Eileen tells Roz that she has decided to pass up the job at The New York Times and stay at The Daily Alaskan. Justin reads the first press release from Anchorage Eagle, the upcoming Conrad-Pritchard-owned newspaper. That’s when Aaron walks in and tells everyone that no matter what happens, The Daily Alaskan will fight on for the truth, a reassurance that has been long overdue and is much needed. They all raised a toast to it. In the early morning hours of the next day, as the Northern Lights shone brightly in the skies above, Eileen and Stanley stared at the first copy of the day’s newspaper carrying Roz’s article addressing Gloria Nanmac’s murder and everything that prevented the truth from coming out.
The ending of “Alaska Daily” couldn’t have been better. Gloria Nanmac’s death and the flaws in the system are addressed. Eileen Fitzgerald decides to remain at The Daily Alaskan. There is renewed hope at The Daily Alaskan to strive for facts, and with people like Eileen and Roz, led by Stanley, it will only be a matter of time before they find out the truth. Moreover, it is sure that their brave actions have made Alaska a safer place for indigenous women.