Tag: Them: The Scare

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‘Them: The Scare’ Recap (Episodes 1-8): Everything That Happens In Season 2

Racism and abandonment form the crux of the deeply tragic horror story Them: The Scare. Sadly, though, the two extremely important subject matters don't...

‘Them: The Scare’ Ending Explained: Will There Be A Season 3?

A twin brother and sister get separated in childhood. The sister, however, is raised by a decent family and goes on to become a...


‘Go Ahead Brother’ Recap And Ending Explained: Is Sylwek Dead Or Alive?

Some cool action can't really make up for a...

‘Time Cut’ Movie Cast And Characters Guide

Netflix's 2024 sci-fi thriller Time Cut manages to capture...

‘Mithya’ Season 1 Recap: Did Rhea Kill Neil Adhikari?

Mithya, a Hindi word that is loosely translated to...

Time Cut’s Time Travel And Timelines, Explained

While the majority of the time travel media adheres...