The film Secrets of a Celebrity Nanny is a mystery-thriller, directed by Dylan Voxx. The story is woven around the mysteries surrounding the lives of a famous celebrity and her daughter. Any nanny she appoints has not been able to stick around for long. There are many subplots that encircle this main plot, leading to the revelation of one of the most unexpected occurrences in the film. The cast includes renowned faces like Yolanthe Cabau, Monroe Cline, and others. Will the new nanny be able to hold out for long? What perils will she face while with the family? There are many questions that we seek answers to in the film! Many secrets will be unveiled over the course of the narrative.
Spoilers Ahead
Why Were The Nannies Not Sticking Around?
There was something ominous going on in the house of Justice, one of the famous celebrities in town. Mia, one of the nannies of Willow, is seen getting murdered on the family property, which is later covered up as a suicide. The incident garnered a lot of media attention, and after the incident, there were a lot of people who were reluctant to take up the job. Garbriella is then appointed as the new nanny, who is also Justice’s friend’s daughter. She promises to stick around, no matter what the difficulties are. On the very first night of her job, she notices that there is an attack on Justice by a stalker at a club, and Damien, her bodyguard, jumps in to save her. There is a second attack on Justice at a party that Ian, her boyfriend, had thrown for her. Damian again tries his best to get hold of the stalker, but they manage to run away. Gabby notices that Justice’s life is not as smooth as it seems, which is perhaps the reason why no nanny thought it appropriate to stick around and deal with the perils.
What Experiences Did Gabriella Have?
From the very moment that Gabriella stepped into the house, she experienced several things that made her question her own safety in the house. There were several attacks on Justice and Willow by an unknown stalker. She found a secret phone in the house, which she discovered to be Mia’s. She is convinced that Mia was selling Justice’s information to someone, which eventually resulted in her death. Gabby was an aspiring writer and thought that the content that she got at the house was enough to help her write a novel. Samara, a rival of Justice, had turned up at one of her shows and started accusing Justice of stealing Ian from her. She is initially thought of as the potential stalker, but later she is killed, and her murder is staged as a suicide.
After a series of horrible events, Willow gets scared and calls her father, Hudson. He takes her away, and Gabby follows them to his home. There she finds a similar phone that Mia had and understands that Mia has been informing Hudson about all the incidents occurring at Justice’s house. Gabriella thinks that Hudson is associated with the murders and the stalking so that he can get back to Justice. On confrontation, Hudson tells her that Mia was the one who was giving him timely information about his daughter that he would not easily get after splitting up with Justice, which rules him out as a potential threat.
When Gabby is having a conversation with Hudson, Willow comes close to getting kidnapped from the house again. Damian manages to reach the spot on time and save her from getting kidnapped. Gabby is extremely sad that she could not be of much help in protecting Willow and considers quitting her job. Meanwhile, Gabby gets interrogated as she is a potential suspect for the murders because her earrings were found at the spot of Samara’s death. Later, during a concert by Justice, Gabrielle learns from her roommate Hannah that Damien had come to their house to get some of her stuff when she was not at home. Hannah tells her that Samara had been murdered and her death was staged as a suicide, as per some reports online. Gabby instantly understands that Damian had been behind all the murders and had tried to plant her earring at the murder site to make her look like the murderer.
What Was Damian’s Motive?
Damian had been trying to protect Justice from the beginning and had been obsessed with her well-being. He had been the one behind planting some paid actors as stalkers and then tried to prove his loyalty by killing them. One of the stalkers had followed Gabby to her home to tell her something about Damian. Before he could tell her anything, Damian shot him down. He was afraid that his real identity would be revealed. Later, however, Gabby finds out his real motives and uncovers them before Justice. She says that Mia had not committed suicide after stealing things but had been murdered by Damian. It is possible that Damian murdered her because he had come to know that she was secretly passing on all the information about Justice’s life to her ex-husband, Hudson. He told Justice that he was resentful of all the men in Justice’s life and wanted to protect her and Willow at all costs. It could have been possible that Damian was madly in love with Justice, causing him to take these extreme steps. He had been trying to establish that Justice could not do without his assistance and that she needed him to protect her all the time. When he later attacks Gabby, Justice attacks him, saving her, and then hands him over to the police.
Final Thoughts
The narrative is very loose, with multiple loopholes in the film Secrets of a Celebrity Nanny. The poor screenplay is also one of the major drawbacks of the film. There are a lot of segments that have not been justified in the movie. Damian’s past traumas, causing him to have an inferiority complex and unstable emotions, have not been explored effectively by the director. There is no strong motive for the crimes committed by Damian, yet he has been set up as the villain in the film. It seems as if someone in the film was to be made the villain, and therefore the responsibility just fell on the character of Damian, making the plot twist look quite unnatural. The clutter in the lives of celebrities has, however, been well depicted, and the mental peace that they lack has been brought out. It was the complexity of their personal lives that cost them their sleep. The numerous boyfriends that Justice had, despite being secretly involved in a relationship with her ex-husband, have been one of the reasons that led to the complexity of her life. She was wrong in choosing the people around her and was more interested in a happening life than a low-key one. This also jeopardized her daughter’s life and put her through constant mental pressure, which made her rely more on her nannies than on her own mother.