‘The New Look’ Episode 6 Recap Summary: What Was Coco’s Rift With Pierre?

The sixth episode of The New Look portrays the different challenges faced by Christian and Coco. While Christian is struggling to understand all the psychological traumas faced by his sister in the camp, Coco battles her competitor, Pierre, who she thinks is trying to steal her business. On the one hand, Coco flees to save her life from the French government (who thinks of her as a traitor), while Christian juggles between his career and family. The way these characters manage to handle the aftermath of the war is really intriguing. How will Christian manage to handle Catherine? How will Coco save her business and career? Let’s find out!


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How Did Christian Handle Catherine?

After Catherine came back from the camp, she was seen to have amnesia and psychological trauma as a result of malnutrition and a lack of sleep. The doctor had asked Christian to give her some time to heal on her own and also to limit visitors. Christian, who was extremely worried about his sister, went to meet Madame Delahaye to help restore Catherine to her old form. He told Madame Delahaye that he kept imagining what happened to Catherine at the camp. Christian blamed himself for not stopping Herve from letting her send messages to the resistance groups. When Madame Delahaye came to treat Catherine at Christian’s request, she said that she had seen her in a vision and knew that she would return. Madame Delahaye said that there was someone else in the bathroom with Cathrine, where she had been kept confined. Someone had extended a hand to her, which she had taken. When flashbacks of the incidents started coming to Catherine, she asked Madame Delahaye to leave her alone. Catherine was blaming herself for what had happened to Jean, and Christian comforted her, saying that none of it was her fault. 


Did Catherine Finally Remember What Happened At The Camp?

A young man came to meet Catherine, saying he was in the same group as Jean. He took her out to see the place where they had started their first form of resistance. He told her that he, along with five other friends (Jean was a member of them), had started a small printing press at his grandmother’s house and started the distribution of anti-Nazi leaflets to people. Little did they realize that the resistance would grow so quickly. The leaflets, however, captured the attention of the Nazis, and they eventually came after the resistance group. Finally, when all his other friends were caught, the boy thought that he would be the next in line. But his friends did not name him, and he was never caught. He told Catherine that she was extremely brave in surviving the atrocities at the camp. He told Catherine that he owed her his life and that they should consider themselves lucky to have gotten a second chance at life. Just as she sat by Jean’s grave, she immediately had flashbacks of the tortures at the camp. We get a glimpse of the hand that she had taken at the camp. Unable to bear the tortures, Catherine must have agreed to give information about her comrades in exchange for her life at the camp. 

How Did Catherine’s Arrival Affect Christian’s Career?

In one of his meetings with George, Christian was told that he should by now be able to overcome the horrors of war and get back to business. George advised him to meet Boussac (his new business partner) and let Lelong know that he was resigning from his work. George said that it was important to complete the paperwork as early as possible, as there was a lot that Boussac had planned for him and they had very little time at hand. Boussac had been pressing Christian to meet him, but he hardly had any time after tending to Catherine’s needs. He even missed out on an important meeting with him, and he requested that George give him some more time to balance his personal and professional lives. When Christian apologized to George for not being able to attend the important meeting, he said that it was rare to get a second chance in life, but since all of them got it, they should make the most of it. 


Why Did Elsa Blackmail Coco?

When Elsa met Coco, she said that the British Embassy had been brutal to her. She further said that she was labeled a traitor after she went to Madrid with Coco, and as a result, she even got disowned by her family. She asked Coco if the French government had been looking for her and told her that she would let all her clients know that Coco was a fugitive if she did not give her the money that she was promised (while going to Madrid). 

What Was Coco’s Rift With Pierre?

Coco told Renee that she would sue Pierre and Paul for violating her contract and moving ahead to produce Chanel No. 5 in America without her consent. She further told Renee that she was in immediate need of money to buy herself an apartment there. Meanwhile, Pierre had been throwing a party at the same hotel that Coco was staying at. While all the other guests were invited, Coco was not. 


Coco thought that she would be let in if she went to the party, but to her surprise, she was told off at the entrance. Later, while Chanel was dining all alone, Pierre came to meet her. When he mocked her for not being allowed in the party, Coco threatened to sue him if he didn’t give her what he owed her. She said that she was dissatisfied with the fact that, as her former business partner, Pierre had chosen to cheat her. Pierre counter-attacked, saying that back when they had started the business, Coco did not have faith in it. She handed her business to the Wertheimer brothers to let them run it in exchange for the 10% royalty. He said that while she had been partying with her friends, he and his brothers had struggled to make the business thrive. Coco said that all the accusations were a lie and that she should have never trusted a Jew in the first place because all they cared about was money. 

Later, when Pierre came to meet Coco in her room, he apologized to her. He blamed it all on his brother for having betrayed Chanel. It is possible that Pierre had a soft spot for Chanel and wanted to win her favor. However, Coco did not leave the chance to take the opportunity to ask Pierre to pay her back the money that he owed her. 


What Will Happen Next?

The seventh episode of The New Look will clarify whether Coco is able to get her hands on Wertheimer’s money. The relationship that Pierre had with Coco will also be brought to light. On the other hand, whether Catherine will be able to recover from her past traumas at the camp will be portrayed, and the mystery as to why she extended her hand to the Nazis will also be revealed. Did Catherine give out any information about the resistance to the Nazis? If yes, then why did she do so? We will eagerly be waiting to find the answers to these questions in the next episode of The New Look

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Debjyoti Dey
Debjyoti Dey
Debjyoti’s obsession with creativity and travel fervor has helped her branch out into the entertainment genre. Her love for psychological thrillers helps her get a daily dose of adrenaline. A regular caricature of the films and its characters is what keeps her going!

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