‘Red Rose’ Character Wren Davis, Explained: Is She Dead Or Alive? What Happened To Her Father Rick Davis? 

Some events are unjustifiable, and sometimes things become even more difficult to understand when nobody listens to your constant complaints and worries. The “Red Rose” series will show you how Wren Davis had to face death when she encountered the Red Rose game. The loss of her friend Rochelle Mason had been too much for her to take in. The entire time, Wren couldn’t believe that she had failed to trust her best friend when she was in trouble. Wren had always been confident and happy; she loved her friends and liked to spend her time with them. But apart from that, she had her demons to fight. Growing up, her father, Rick, had been arrested on several criminal charges, and her mother Rachel had always stopped her from meeting Rick. She met him secretly, and Rick wanted Wren to tell Rachel as soon as possible. Everyone around liked Wren’s presence, and they would do anything to support her. Especially her friends, Rochelle, Anthony, Noah, and Ashley. On the final day of high school, Wren and the other schoolmates partied together and waited for the right opportunity to explore more of the world. Eventually, Noah confessed his feelings to Wren, and the duo immediately began dating. For the summer vacation, Wren worked with her mother and often spent her time with her friends. But, out of everyone, Wren loved Rochelle the most, even though she was the opposite of her.


Even though Rochelle loved Wren, a part of her always believed that her friends made fun of her lifestyle. But that was not true. Wren had been incredibly supportive and never really reacted to Rochelle’s breakdowns or rude comments. Things began to get complicated when Rochelle noticed that Wren had started to spend more time with Noah. Eventually, Wren would always ignore Rochelle’s mistakes and apologize for her rude behavior. Even on the night of Becky’s party, Rochelle kisses Noah, and Wren is heartbroken, but despite all the problems, Rachel suggests she sort everything out with Rochelle. Even though they apologized, things never worked out, and the duo stopped communicating. All this time, Rochelle was using a program called Red Rose and putting herself in huge trouble because the software had complete access to her life. The software figured out the places she used to visit and the people she used to talk to. Rochelle tried to inform Wren about the whole incident, but Wren couldn’t believe her anymore and assumed that Rochelle was just trying to gain attention until she was found dead in the bathtub.

Spoilers Ahead 


Did Wren Use The Red Rose? What Happened To Her Father?

Created by Jacob Taylor, Red Rose is an application that can be used to view people’s private spaces and chat with them. Wren didn’t believe Rochelle until her body had been found. She was completely heartbroken and blamed herself for the loss of her friend. Wren had been the friend you needed whenever you were in trouble. She would always stand up for you and make sure you knew she cared. But Rochelle’s sudden change in behavior made it too difficult for Wren to believe in her, and her death had changed Wren completely. She used to be happy all the time, but now she was sinking into this darkness that was filled with her guilt and that had been engulfing her. To make things even worse, Wren also started using Red Rose app. Her friends blamed her for being too careless with Rochelle, but soon they began to support her because they realized that it was not her fault. Soon, Wren became a victim of Red Rose as well. She started using it to prove that Rochelle didn’t kill herself, but Red Rose took a huge toll on her mental health and gradually began to destroy her bond with her friends and her family. Just like Rochelle, Wren had started to lose hope, and to make things worse for her, the Red Rose started using Rochelle’s voice to confuse Wren, and the voice would always blame Wren for Rochelle’s death. A part of her knew that it wasn’t her friend, but Red Rose knew the right keys to use. It preyed on Wren’s weaknesses and used them against her.

Rochelle began to appear on her phone and everywhere, and soon, the Red Rose  used Rochelle’s voice to draw her out to Rochelle’s gravestone. The whole time, she went on blaming Wren for her death, and Wren desperately apologized while weeping on her gravestone. If it hadn’t been for the others, Wren would have tried to kill herself, but Noah and the others made sure that she was okay. Luckily, they saw everything too. But things became easier when one of her classmates, who was a computer and coding expert, overheard their conversations about  Red Rose app. She knew about this since they had been associated with Jacob’s death. Jaya wanted to dig deeper into the applications, and she often helped them stay safe. Wren and her friends began to make plans to shut down the whole application. Eventually, Wren gets trapped in the maze of Red Rose, but she chooses to fight, and even though she is about to get killed multiple times, Wren saves herself and her friends. With the help of Jaya Mahajan, Wren and her friends eventually unearth the truth and find the members of the Red Rose. They begin to approach them directly because their threats weren’t working anymore.


Red Rose shows how the members of this application were quite aware of people getting scared of them, and when it didn’t happen, each one of them stepped out of their private spaces and attacked Wren’s friends. In the end, when nothing seems to work out, Rick is kidnapped by the Red Rose gang, only for them to reveal the true identity of the main characters behind the software. Despite multiple warnings and a personal message from her father’s phone to stay back at her house, Wren chose to check on Rick because she knew that it hadn’t really been her father. Then the moment Wren stepped into his house, the main gang member of the Red Rose, Gardener, appeared. He displayed footage of Rick restrained to a chair. Wren rushed off to save him alone, and the two began to fight each other. The only way to save Rick was to defeat him. Luckily, Jaya Mahajan erased the entire software by hacking it using Jacob’s password for Red Rose. This took away his most precious audience, and the Gardener lost his focus, which gave Wren a chance to strike back at him. In the end, Wren saves her father and kills the Gardener. Wren and her friends unite and cherish the moments of freedom, but a random lady approaches them, who previously attacked Noah in the woods and the hospital, warns them about the Red Rose revival.

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Raschi Acharya
Raschi Acharya
Raschi Acharya is a Mass Media graduate and she is currently working and living in Mumbai. From a very young age, Raschi was heavily interested in reading and writing. She prefers to write everything that her mind nurtures her to do as shaping up her imagination is her forte!

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