‘Presumed Innocent’ Episode 5 Recap: Did Rusty’s Case Go To A Jury Trial?

Presumed Innocent Episode 4 ended with Brian Ratzner attacking Rusty’s home. Brian Ratzner was livid at Rusty and Rigo for going after him. Rusty and Rigo believed Brian had killed Bunny Davis, with Liam being falsely accused of it. On his way out to defend his family, Rusty punched Brian hard, while his wife Barbara and children were horrified at the turn of events. 


Spoilers Ahead

Did Rusty reveal why he punched Brian Ratzner?

After a harrowing night, Rusty’s children asked him about his reason for assaulting the man. Rusty was quick to admit that, though he was wrong, he was protecting his family from a man like Brain, who may have killed a woman. Rusty is trying hard to be there for his family in the wake of the distress that has befallen him. He was sure Brian would never go to the police because he was a suspect, as Rusty and Rigo were after him in the Bunny Davis murder case. Barbara was worried about the way Rusty had been behaving, but she was glad he was being a good dad to his children by being honest with them about the ordeal and the reasons for his behavior.


What did Rusty want from the case?

Rusty shared news of Brian Ratzner’s assault on Raymond, but his defense lawyer was not happy at the turn of events. The only relief so far would be Brian not going to the police, as he was the one who attacked Rusty’s home and forced the man of the house to be aggressive. However, what Rusty wanted was to go after Liam Reynolds and find the leads that could point to the fact that he killed Carolyn. Rusty wanted another man to face the brunt of the crime so that he could be acquitted not just by the law but also by the people who still presumed he killed his colleague. Raymond recommended Rusty focus on proving the charge never had enough evidence to prove him as the murderer. The court would not consider the statements of cons in the prison. Rusty could lose the case or divert from their actual agenda, which was to prove Liam Reynolds may have murdered Carolyn. 

Did Brian Ratzer agree to talk to the defense?

Rusty went by Brian’s house when he and his family weren’t around, only to find himself cornered by the man of the house himself. Rusty begged Brian to maybe consider speaking to his defense lawyers and helping him get acquitted in the case. Even if Brian had not committed the crime, if he had details of the night Bunny Davis was murdered, it would help Rusty. Somehow there was a connection between both cases, which Rusty could sense. He wanted to find the link, and it would help him get acquitted on all the charges related to Carolyn’s murder. 


Is Tommy insecure?

Tommy Molto is the prosecution lawyer who was going through the images of Carloyn shared by Michael on the night of her murder. Tommy seemed to be attracted to her images, which jogged some memories of him approaching her when she was alive. He asked her about her not wanting to be his second chair with him on a case. He felt insecure as she decided not to be his second chair in the case. If she wanted to be a second chair, she would rather work with Rusty, which did not rub off well with Tommy as he wanted her to be a part of his team. 

Tommy considered this a rejection. This could have been the reason he was trying to pin the murder on Rusty as she preferred him over Tommy. Nico never stopped reminding him the case was about finding out who killed Carolyn and not about character assassinating Rusty. Tommy figured he had it under control, but Nico had begun to witness Tommy obsessing over the idea of throwing Rusty in prison.


Why did Barbara cheat on Rusty?

Barbara was tired of being dragged through the case, which was only making things in the household worse. She had the urge to meet up with the bartender Clifton, who had previously made moves on her, and she liked the attention she received. Clifton had shared his number, and she called him to meet her at an art exhibit. Barbara and Clifton shared a passionate kiss. During her session later, she claimed she was not sure if the kiss meant anything, but the therapist suggested that the romance that came from kissing the man who was not her husband did excite Barbara. Barbara cheated on her husband, as she wanted some gratification for after what she had been through all these years. Barbara may not have forgiven her husband, and that could be the reason she pursued Clifton and wanted to have one night of excitement outside of her domesticity. 

Why did Tommy speak to the press?

A frustrated Tommy was trying to corner the HR personnel as well, and he accused her of having a short-term affair with Rusty. A distressed Tommy went ahead and spoke to the press outside of the district court about powerful people getting away with no prison time only because of their and a lack of evidence against them. Tommy implied Rusty was powerful, yet he was no bigger than the court of law. He wanted to put a statement out there so that the jury would understand the narrative being built by Raymond about Rusty to make him look not guilty of killing Carilyn. Nico was not happy with the stunt because he had to constantly remind Tommy to not focus on Rusty. Tommy’s insecurity showed up when he again believed Nico was trying to get rid of him as well. The man was desperate to be validated, initially by Carolyn, his now deceased colleague, and now Nico, who was perhaps losing trust.


Did Rusty’s case go to a jury trial?

A few days later, Rusty’s case went to trial. Tommy was proud of the opening statement he was going to make which would project Rusty as guilty right from the start. Rusty, however, had the backing of his wife and family. Everyone in the city was looking forward to the outcome of this case, as the murder of someone from the district attorney’s office was a crime of huge magnitude. 

As the trial began, Tommy put on a great show as he claimed the person who was known to many was murdered with the most gruesome passion. The purpose of the trial was to find out who did it and how. The motive may be secondary, but the most important aspect must be to nab the accused in the court of law. They have a suspect in hand with evidence to back their claim, and the jury would have to decide on their own based on the show by both teams. This would be a big push-and-pull game between the prosecution and the defense team. Rusty was worried after hearing Tomy’s opening statement as it set the precedent for the crime. The episode ended with Rusty realizing the case would be a long ordeal for him and his family. It dawned on him that it would be hard for him to get acquitted, and Tommy and his team would put up a strong fight to charge him with the murder of Carolyn. 


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Smriti Kannan
Smriti Kannan
Smriti Kannan is a cinema enthusiast, and a part time film blogger. An ex public relations executive, films has been a major part of her life since the day she watched The Godfather – Part 1. If you ask her, cinema is reality. Cinema is an escape route. Cinema is time traveling. Cinema is entertainment. Smriti enjoys reading about cinema, she loves to know about cinema and finding out trivia of films and television shows, and from time to time indulges in fan theories.

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