‘Ms. Marvel’ Episode 1: Recap, Easter Eggs, Explained – What Makes The Show Unique?


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“Ms. Marvel” is one of the potential members of the MCU’s Young Avengers. She is also the first one to get her own show. So naturally, the creators had to make the show worthwhile. And Episode 1 proves that they have done an excellent job. Yes, one cannot help but connect its charm to that of the other famous Disney shows that once ruled our hearts and minds. These include Hannah Montana, That’s So Raven, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, and Lizzie McGuire. However, the presence of the MCU is palpable throughout the episode and keeps on reminding us that this is the MCU. Keeping in mind that Kamala Khan is a 16-year-old girl, the creators stress her daily struggles as a teenager, which basically include taking permission from her parents for everything. And the best part is that the show doesn’t waste time exploring Kamala’s lifestyle more than needed but introduces her to her powers in the first episode itself. 

‘Ms. Marvel’ Episode 1: Recap Summary

Born to Muslim parents who reside in New Jersey, 16-year-old Kamala Khan is head over heels for her favorite Avenger, Captain Marvel. Her best friend, Bruno, is her emotional support. They share a great friendship and do everything together. With AvengerCon taking place, the MCU version of ComicCon, Kamala, with help from Bruno, makes her own Captain Marvel costume to take part in the cosplay. Knowing that her parents won’t let her go to the event, she chalks out a plan with Bruno to sneak out of her house. Her Captain Marvel costume is somewhat ready, but Bruno tells her to add her personal touch to it. This is when she decides to wear the amulet that she found among her grandma’s “junk.” They arrive at AvengersCon in the evening as planned, and right before going up on stage, she puts on her grandma’s amulet. This is when she realizes that the amulet is “cosmic” in nature. Her presentation, which is no less than a magic show, thanks to her amulet, is loved by the crowd. However, a mishap occurs, but no one gets hurt. She returns home at night and finds her mother waiting in her room. She is not at all happy with the way Kamala has been behaving lately, lying to her parents and sneaking out of the house. Kamala thus finds herself in a dilemma between her parents and her newfound powers.

The mid-credits scene shows Officer P. Cleary, who looks at a video of Kamala’s “presentation” at AvengerCon and tells his assistant to “bring her in.” For those who don’t remember, Cleary is the same guy who interrogated Peter in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

What Makes The Show Unique?

Unlike in the comics, where she is an inhuman, here Kamala’s powers root in her family. The amulet is a family heirloom that she finds among her grandmother’s belongings. Keeping in mind how the MCU Inhumans misfired, it is a good thing that Marvel decided to give Kamala a new source for her powers, and that too, by linking them to her ancestors.

Kamala’s character resonates in the same way as Peter Parker’s does in that it shows the struggles of a teenager. However, with Kamala Khan, Marvel takes a step further to show the societal pressures, pressures from family, and criticism that are culture-oriented. The introduction of such a character is important and a long-time coming, which will relate to teenagers and youngsters across cultures and backgrounds.

What waits to be seen is if “Ms. Marvel” is able to maintain this balance between being an MCU show with all the necessary ingredients and being a reflection of the life of a teenager without turning into a caricature.

‘Ms. Marvel’ Episode 1 Easter Eggs

Scott Lang Podcast: At the beginning of the episode, Kamala tells her viewers how she researched Captain Marvel. One of her methods was Scott Lang’s podcast titled “Big Me, Little Me,” which makes sense since he can get big or small at any moment. In the podcast, he seemingly talks about his powers as well as those of other superheroes, along with live interviews.

AvengerCon: It is great to finally see the MCU’s own Comic-Con. A place where superhero fandom comes together to celebrate their heroes and show their love, AvengerCon was perhaps the best way to introduce Kamala Khan’s powers.

Thor Is Secretly A Gamer: Towards the beginning of the episode, as she ends her prologue, she says that her next series will be a two-parter on why she thinks that Thor is secretly a gamer. This Easter Egg takes us back to Avengers: Endgame, where we see him playing Fortnite with Korg when Hulk comes to meet him. Remember Noobmaster69? That’s right.

Sloth Baby Productions: Kamala Khan’s YouTube Channel is named Sloth Baby Productions. And if you look it up on YouTube, you will find it too.

Camp Lehigh: When Kamala and Bruno arrive at AvengerCon, we see a banner outside that says Welcome to Camp Lehigh, Home of Captain America. And it is true. Camp Lehigh, New Jersey, was one of the WWII military bases for the US Strategic Scientific Reserve. This is where Steve Rogers underwent the experiment that gave him his super-human abilities. Later, it became the home of Arnim Zola’s brain, as we see in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”

Shubhabrata Dutta
Shubhabrata Dutta
Shubhabrata’s greatest regret is the fact that he won’t be able to watch every movie and show ever made. And when he isn’t watching a movie or a show, he is busy thinking about them and how they are made; all while taking care of his hobbies. These include the usual suspects i.e. songs, long walks, books and PC games.



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