Nat And Linda In ‘Doctor Climax’ Explained: Will They End Up Together?

Infidelity is both a sin and a choice. What’s even more sinful is not coming clean about it, knowing it’s wrong. This is exactly what Dr. Nat does in the Netflix series Doctor Climax. Even after being married, he starts an affair with Linda at his office in the Bangkok Express newspaper house. What begins as a casual physical relationship turns complicated when both Dr. Nat and Linda realize they have fallen in love with each other. The situation becomes even more tangled because Dr. Nat never tells Linda that he is married. With their feelings growing stronger and the truth about Dr. Nat being married hanging over them, the future of their relationship is unclear. How will they deal with this mix of lies and passion? Can their love survive once the secrets come out? Let’s delve into the complexities of their relationship and find out what the future holds for Dr. Nat and Linda in Doctor Climax.


Spoilers Ahead

Why did Dr. Nat fall in love with Linda? 

Dr. Nat was a famous doctor specializing in sexual health in Thailand. He was frustrated with his job, where he had to spend his days looking at diseased private parts and dealing with people’s bedroom problems. He found escape in writing adult novels, where he could live out his fantasies. Although he was married to a beautiful and loving wife, she did not excite him. Their relationship felt monotonous and lacked passion. He slept with her out of a sense of husbandly duty, but there was no real desire. Everything changed when Dr. Nat started working at the Bangkok Express newspaper, where he started writing columns about sexual awakening and giving advice to readers on how to improve their sex lives. Ironically, he struggled with these issues in his own life. But then he met Linda, the art director at the newspaper. Linda was everything he had been longing for: seductive, beautiful, smart, and bold. She was like a character straight out of one of his adult novels. The spark between them was immediate.


Dr. Nat and Linda began working closely together, often sharing the same office. Linda helped him respond to readers’ letters, and through their collaboration, Dr. Nat discovered a hidden, more daring side of himself. Linda teased him and even suggested that he might be gay to provoke him into proving otherwise. Their attraction quickly turned into a secret sexual relationship, hidden away in the office. Dr. Nat felt like he was living the dream with Linda. Even when he went home and went through the motions with his wife, he couldn’t stop thinking about Linda. He knew he was being awful—a liar and a cheater—but he couldn’t stop. He had fallen in love with Linda. With her, he didn’t have to pretend to be the perfect husband; he could be himself, flaws and all. Linda accepted him for who he was, unlike his wife, who didn’t even know about his alter ego, “Doctor Climax.” The only thing Linda didn’t know was that Dr. Nat was married. He couldn’t risk telling her because he was afraid she might leave him. He had finally found happiness with Linda, and his selfishness kept him from coming clean. He couldn’t afford to lose her.

Why did Doctor Nat want to give his marriage a second chance? 

But one can’t hide a truth like this for long, right? When people started trying to uncover Dr. Nat’s real identity, he stopped coming to the office to avoid exposure. So Linda started to miss him terribly. She had broken up with her ex-boyfriend, Khomson, and being with Dr. Nat made her feel truly happy. She called him constantly, wanting to talk and meet up, but Dr. Nat avoided her. Maybe he was scared of his feelings for her, or maybe he was just afraid of being exposed. One day, when he least expected it, Linda came to his clinic. At the same time, Tukta, Nat’s wife, showed up to bring him lunch. The truth that he had been hiding for so long was finally out. Linda was heartbroken. She thought Dr. Nat loved her, and while that was true, the way everything went down didn’t sit right with her. Overwhelmed with a heavy heart and complicated feelings, Linda ran away to her mother’s house and quit her job.


Dr. Nat knew deep down that he wanted to be with Linda, and he was willing to do anything to make that happen. He followed her to her mother’s house with the hope of talking to her. But Linda was unhappy with the situation. If Dr. Nat were single, it would have been different, but she couldn’t be with him knowing she was the reason for the trouble in his marriage. She blamed herself for the issues between Nat and Tukta. Linda told Dr. Nat that she would return to the office and help him with his work, but that was it. There would be no physical relationship between them. Dr. Nat needed to focus on his work and try to mend his relationship with his wife, Tukta. He had to be a man, grow a spine, and take responsibility for the situation instead of running away from it. Linda knew this might mean sacrificing her love, but she was willing to do that. Unlike Dr. Nat, she didn’t want to be selfish and wanted to be there for Tukta, who had nothing to do with the mess they had created.

Can Nat And Linda End Up Together?

One can’t really run away from true love, isn’t it? When Dr. Nat tried to be a better husband and wanted to make things work with Tukta, he realized it was a lost cause. His heart still belonged to Linda. He confessed his feelings to Linda and admitted that he wanted to be with her alone. He realized that while Linda had started as his helper in answering his fans’ questions, she was the one who truly knew him. She saw through his modest, honest facade and exposed his hypocritical, selfish side. It was uncomfortable for him to accept, but Linda knew him that way, and he was willing to change those flaws for her, not for anyone else. Then he learned that Linda was pregnant with his child. He was shocked and silent, knowing that an out-of-wedlock child would bring shame to his family. The fact that, on the other hand, Tukta was pregnant with another man’s child made things even more complicated. But Linda had already decided to have an abortion. She didn’t want to add to Dr. Nat’s problems. She knew how to handle her emotions and pain on her own, being the independent person she was. So, we still don’t know what the future holds for their relationship. Khomson, Linda’s ex-boyfriend, reappeared at the end of the series, bringing more uncertainty into the mix. But it seems likely that Dr. Nat will give his relationship with Linda another try. The way he kept coming back to her shows that he truly wanted to be with her. Maybe he will take responsibility for the child, divorce his wife, and marry Linda in the end. These are just predictions, and we will find out more in the next season.


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Sutanuka Banerjee
Sutanuka Banerjee
Sutanuka, a devoted movie enthusiast, embarked on her cinematic journey since childhood, captivated by the enchanting world of the Harry Potter series. This early passion ignited her love for movies, providing an escape into the magical realms of cinema. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in media science, combining her academic pursuits with her unwavering passion for the silver screen.

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