How Did Lena Die In Netflix’s ‘Dear Child’ Series?

Dear Child is a gripping psychological thriller series based on the novel written by Romy Hausmann. It’s a story that unfolds in two timelines, focusing on the lives of three women: Lena, her daughter Hannah, and a mysterious woman named Jasmin. Lena, who has been held captive in a remote cabin for years, manages to escape with her daughter Hannah. They find refuge in a nearby village and are taken in by a caring family. Lena struggles to adjust to her newfound freedom, haunted by her past trauma. As the story progresses, the central mystery revolves around Lena’s disappearance and the circumstances surrounding her presumed death. With this, we also learn about all the characters and their connection to Lena, as well as the answer to the ultimate question: How did Lena die?


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What Happened To Lena?

Lena is this lively, creative soul in Dear Child, who had big dreams of becoming an artist and writer, but her life took a nightmarish turn when she was kidnapped during a night out with friends. This tragedy shattered her parents, Matthias and Karin, and they spent years searching for their beloved daughter. Now imagine the twist when another woman claims to be Lena. At first, Matthias and Karin are skeptical, heartbroken, and not entirely convinced. They’ve been through so much uncertainty that believing in Lena’s return is a challenge. But here’s where it gets intriguing: The woman who says she’s Lena is actually Jasmin, and she has her own horrifying tale of being abducted.


The story weaves a web of confusion around their identities, making you wonder, who’s who and what’s real. Throughout the book and the series, the mystery behind Lena’s character is like the glue holding it all together. Her disappearance and the ensuing events had a huge impact on everyone involved. On the other hand, the bond between Lena and her daughter Hannah in Dear Child is very touching. Despite the unimaginable circumstances Lena faced during her captivity, she remained determined to provide Hannah and her younger son Jonathan with a sense of hope and knowledge of the outside world. Lena’s ability to keep that spark of hope alive in such dire conditions is truly remarkable.

Who Kidnapped Lena?

It’s astonishing, how a seemingly ordinary situation, like Lena’s dog getting locked in her house, could lead to such a chilling turn of events. Lars, the owner of Rogner and Son Security Company, becomes obsessed with Lena after visiting her home. At first glance, no one would suspect his dark intentions. Lars’ twisted plan to kidnap Lena and imprison her in an abandoned military compound is beyond disturbing. What’s even more unsettling is the psychological motivation behind his actions. Lena’s resemblance to Lars’ absent mother seems to be a driving force behind his sinister behavior. It’s as if he’s trying to extract revenge from all the women he encounters, including Jasmin, by forcing them to conform to a certain image, even down to their hair color.


The way Dear Child skillfully portrays Lena’s absence is truly intriguing. While the series doesn’t delve into the specifics of how Lena spent her days in captivity, this very ambiguity is what keeps viewers hooked. It’s like a puzzle, making us wonder, how she managed to endure all those years of confinement. Lena’s constant presence, even when she’s not physically there in the story, is the narrative’s ability to evoke empathy and sensitivity toward her character. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most powerful Storytelling isn’t about what’s explicitly shown, but what’s left unsaid, allowing viewers to imagine and empathize with Lena’s unimaginable ordeal.

How Did Lena Die?

The mystery surrounding Lena’s death in the series is not just about her disappearance, but also the unsettling question of why her captor, Lars, continued to involve other women in his sinister plans, which adds more Confusion to the series. What makes it even more compelling is how the series portrays Lena’s story – her voice, her pleas for help – it’s incredibly moving. That Moment, when she desperately asks Lars to save her after giving birth to her third child, Sarah, is heartbreaking. The tragic postpartum infection, childbed fever, that ultimately took Lena’s life, adds more pain to her already harrowing experience. Despite her pleas falling on deaf ears, her death becomes a turning point in the narrative. Lars’ pattern of abducting women to replace Lena continues until Jasmin enters the scene, filling Lena’s role for the sake of the children.


Lars, for all his twisted efforts, could never truly replace Lena. No matter what he attempted, all the women involved in his dark plan met tragic ends, and their burials were far from proper. Lars might be a cunning man, always treading carefully, but his schemes fell short with Jasmin. Throughout the series, you witness Jasmin’s fear of Lars, which eventually pushes her to the brink of a mental breakdown. Yet, the intriguing part is how she manages to regain her confidence, after realizing that Lars was keeping a close watch on her through the surveillance cameras in her house. All this time, Jasmin had been putting on an act, pretending to play along with Lars, to regain his trust. It was a carefully crafted facade, and when she finally seized control and took matters into her own hands, she ended his reign of terror.

What Happened When The Truth About Lena Was Revealed?

Discovering the truth about Lena’s ordeal was tough on Matthias and Karin. Can you imagine the heartbreak they must have felt, knowing what their daughter had gone through? But in the midst of all that pain, they found solace in Lena’s incredible strength. She was a fighter, and that gave her hope. This revelation changed everything for them. No more endless worrying about Lena’s Suffering. They could finally rest assured, that Lena had found her peace. Plus, knowing that her children, Hannah and Jonathan, were safe and sound, brought her a sense of relief. Lena might not be physically with them, but her spirit still lingered, giving them the courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


No amount of Suffering or personal Trauma can ever justify causing harm to another human being. What Lars did was undeniably wrong, and it’s crucial to understand that there are no excuses for such actions. It’s a disturbing and unfortunate reality that some individuals resort to evil deeds, causing pain and suffering to others. In this case, Lars could have sought closure through communication and understanding rather than perpetuating a cycle of harm. Blaming Lena for what happened to him was a grave injustice, and it only perpetuated the tragedy further.

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Raschi Acharya
Raschi Acharya
Raschi Acharya is a Mass Media graduate and she is currently working and living in Mumbai. From a very young age, Raschi was heavily interested in reading and writing. She prefers to write everything that her mind nurtures her to do as shaping up her imagination is her forte!

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