The Netflix series Good Morning, Veronica is a mystery thriller that released its first season in 2020 and the subsequent season in 2022. The Brazilian series centers around a police record clerk, Veronica Torres, on her quest to learn the truth about her father, Julio Torres, who was a convicted criminal in the eyes of the law. Julio was arrested for killing his wife, but Veronica couldn’t bring herself to believe that her father was capable of doing something like this. As she embarked on her journey to uncover the truth, she was confronted with some of the most wicked people involved in unspeakable atrocities. Before the third season of this series arrives on Netflix, let’s revisit everything we know about the show so far.
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What Happens In Season 1?
Season 1 of Good Morning, Veronica revolves around a chilling case involving a cult leader, Claudio Antunes Brandao, who was a military officer and a prestigious person in society. Claudio was a serial abuser who used to abduct women who were either new to Brazil or looking for jobs, and then he used to torture them inside a hidden room in his house. Claudio’s wife, Janete, was aware of her husband’s deeds, so she wanted to speak up against them but couldn’t, as she was afraid her husband might kill her. However, finally mustering up her courage, she decided to contact Veronica and tell her everything about Claudio. But Veronica was an ordinary clerk who didn’t have the power to arrest Claudio. Moreover, the chief of police, Anita Berlinger, was an associate of Claudio and wanted to protect him, so instead of helping Veronica, she intended to kill her.
Veronica came to know that both Claudio and Anita were from an orphanage called “Cosmas and Damian,” which had previously been accused of human trafficking. Julio, Veronica’s father, had also worked on this case, through which she came to know that this orphanage used to abduct children and train them so that later they could hold esteemed positions in society like policemen or politicians, but most of them were actually corrupt, like Anita or Claudio.
After Veronica learned the truth from Janete, she realized that she had no way of helping her out of the mess, so she asked Janete to kill her husband by poisoning him. However, Janete did try to poison her husband, but instead of Claudio, she killed his mother. Claudio believed that it wasn’t Janete who had actually dared to take such a drastic step, so he looked into Janete’s belongings and found a phone number which belonged to Veronica’s office, but as he dialed the number, Veronica’s senior, Wilson, who was also a friend of Julio, picked up the phone. Wilson had always wanted to help Veronica and trusted her instincts, knowing that she had a passion for crime investigation just like her father. But in Good Morning, Veronica, season 1, Claudio had Wilson killed. Realizing that Wilson was abducted by Claudio, Veronica rushed to save him, but unfortunately, she couldn’t rescue him. She also learned that Claudio was so inhuman that he had burned Janete to death. Unable to control her wrath, Veronica took her revenge on Claudio and finished him off by burning him alive.
Veronica became a suspect in Claudio’s murder, so she couldn’t return home and chose to run away. However, when the police investigated Claudio’s place, they found Wilson and Janete’s dead bodies. However, while investigating, they found Veronica’s ID, which suggested that the dead body was Veronica’s. Veronica had actually taken Janete’s ID and left hers to make the authorities believe that she had died. But Veronica took it as her next mission to come back, as she was still on her way to uncover the truth about her mother’s death and to prove her father’s innocence.
What Happens In Season 2?
In season 2, it was revealed that Veronica’s father was not the guy who had shot his wife. After Veronica faked her death, she began to investigate Claudio’s cult, which was continuing its heinous crimes. However, in this season, we saw Veronica lose almost everyone she had ever loved. Her lover Nelson came to know that Veronica was alive, but before he could contact her, Anita suspected Nelson was maintaining secret communication with someone from outside, so she killed him. Not only that, Anita’s partner in crime, Carlos, who was also a corrupt officer, found out that Julio Torres might be a link that Veronica was still after the crime syndicate run by Claudio, so Carlos abducted Julio and took him to a secret place where he killed him. Both Nelson and Julio’s deaths left Veronica with an emotional wound, but she chose to continue her crusade to find out the truth.
Matias Carneiro was Claudio’s twin brother, and he was the leader of another child trafficking organization named The House of Saints. After Cosmas and Damian was permanently closed, The House of Saints rose under the supervision of Matias, who was also a serial abuser, just like his brother. Matias had married his own daughter, Gisele, and destroyed her life. Not only that, but with his current wife, he had another daughter, Angela, who was his next target. Matias decided to kidnap both Angela and her girlfriend Carol so that he could marry Angela, repeat the cycle, and sell Carol to someone abroad. But in this season, Veronica wasn’t alone in her mission, as a genuinely honest officer named Gloria came to her aid and investigated the case along with her. Together, Veronica and Gloria made Gisele expose Matias’ filthy deeds in front of a public gathering. However, when Matias’ reputation was destroyed and Veronica was about to arrest him, he revealed that her father, Julio Torres, was also a member of Cosmas and Damian and had a hand in all the wrongdoings until he had a realization. It was revealed that when Veronica expressed her desire to become a detective, Julio decided to stop continuing the crime and wanted to give his daughter a bright future, but the group wasn’t ready to give Julio a farewell. So they turned against him and killed his wife to frame Julio for this crime, making him a convicted killer.
At the end of Good Morning, Veronica season 2, Matias was arrested, and Angela, as well as Carol, were finally freed from captivity. However, Veronica’s journey didn’t end with season 2, as supposedly there was another leading member of this syndicate, and this person was very much alive. In season 2, Veronica received a picture from Janete’s sister, Janice, and found that Matias and Claudio had a sister in their family. The villain we are all hoping to see in the third season of this series might be Doum, who would probably turn out to be the sister of Matias and Claudio. We still don’t have any clue whether this Doum was a man or a woman, but it was revealed that this person was already in the picture as Doum had already met Matias during his house arrest. Let’s uncover the rest of the mystery in the upcoming season of Good Morning, Veronica.