This week, “Trolley” took a sharp turn down the plot twist alley. With Soo Bin’s pregnancy situation aggravating, Seung Hee growing anxiety, a new side emerging to Ki Young and Hye Joo’s past, and also the trolley dilemma starting to take full effect on Joong Do, the episodes had quite a few shocking revelations. The drama picked up speed and plucked several pages from the past, which promised to leave a long-lasting impact on each character’s present and future.
Spoilers Ahead
‘Trolley’ Episode 7: Recap – Does Joong Do Keep His Promise?
Episode seven picks up where the previous episode left off. We see that Hye Joo and Seung Hee are at Seung Hee’s house when Joong Do furiously knocks on the door. He also damages Hye Joo’s car in an attempt to get their attention. He is furious and concerned after finding out about Hye Joo’s secret. Hye Joo tries to clear the air with Seung Hee but to no avail. Seung Hee is dead set on believing her late brother’s tale, and she asks Hye Joo to leave. Joong Do threatens Seung Hee that she will face the consequences if she tries to contact or harass Hye Joo again. He takes his wife away and calls Woo Jae to pick up Hye Joo’s car and get it repaired without involving the authorities.
When Woo Jae shows up, he finds Ki Young there. The two share a mildly awkward conversation where Woo Jae also slightly threatens Ki Young with the consequences his family would face should Hye Joo and Seung Ho’s past be revealed to the public. Soon after, we see that Ki Young sneaks a peek into Seung Hee’s phone and takes Hye Joo’s number. In a flashback, we also see that Ki Young had urged Seung Hee to stop contacting Hye Joo, as it would worsen the matter for her mother’s real estate business as well.
Hye Joo and Joong Do reach their home and tell each other how they ended up at Seung Hee’s house. Shortly afterwards, there’s a letter outside their house from Ms. Cho. In the letter, the older woman revealed that she was taking her life. Joong Do and Seung Hee rush to Ms. Cho’s place with the authorities. Joong Do offers to take responsibility for the consequences and asks the authorities to break into the shop. They find Ms. Cho lying unconscious but alive. She is taken to the hospital for treatment.
Back at home, Soo Bin asks Joong Do how Hye Joo is doing, to which Joong Do replies with a threat to Soo Bin, saying that she would face dire consequences should she mess with or hurt Hye Joo.
At the office, Joong Do, who is shaken after Ms. Cho’s suicide attempt, pushes for a bill proposition that will allow investigations to happen even after the suspect’s death. The elections are soon coming up, and Joong Do’s team is worried that the bill might not pass. But Joong Do is confident about the proposition and wishes to push for it. There’s also a development with Hye Joo and Ki Young. The two meet at a cafe secretly. The reason is not clear, but there sure is some history between the two.
‘Trolley’ Episode 8: Recap – What Right Thing Does Joong Do Choose To Do?
Episode 8 begins with Hye Joo and Ki Young’s rendezvous at the cafe. There is a short flashback to their high school days where we find that Seung Hee used to like Ki Young, but Ki Young instead liked Hye Joo. Hye Joo had rejected his proposal stating she never thought of him romantically. In the present, Ki Young, who is caught up in his family’s matters, implores Hye Joo to apologize to Seung Hee and her mom. He thinks that Hye Joo’s apology would smooth things over between the mother and daughter and also make things relatively easy for him at home.
Back at the Nam household, Soo Bin is vacuuming the house when Yeo Jin enters. Yeo Jin asks her to complete the other rooms since she is already there. Soo Bin replies that she won’t enter the study or the master bedroom and tells Yeo Jin to finish the job instead. The same night, when Hye Joo is returning home, she finds Soo Bin in the rain and goes to her. Soo Bin tells her that she went to the workshop in Hye Joo’s absence to check on the dehumidifier. Hye Joo is clearly worried for Soo Bin and her child. But we see in the flashback that Soo Bin has got some complications in her pregnancy. The fetus has died inside her womb because of which she will need a surgery to remove it.
Later at their house, Hye Joo runs a warm bath for Soo Bin to ward off the cold, and she offers Soo Bin her private bathroom, which has a bathtub. Hye Joo goes to Yeon Seo’s room as well, and the mother-daughter duo shares some warm moments. Yeon Seo also discusses the trolley dilemma with Hye Joo, but the conversation fades without any conclusion. Shortly after, we see that Yeon Seo’s school friend asks her how she would react if she found out that her father was cheating on her mother. Yeon Seo gives a fitting reply, and the scene ends.
The next day Hye Joo asks Soo Bin to drop by the workshop but Soo Bin says she has plans for lunch with a friend, but she promises to drop by before leaving for lunch. At the workshop, Hye Joo is taking pictures of the book, and Soo Bin asks her to take one of her too. When Hye Joo gives pictures for printing, she also adds Ji Hoon’s pictures to the order.
The same night, Hye Joo is quite disturbed. After having dinner with Yeo Jin, she moves to the basin to put the utensils and ends up breaking a bowl. Hye Joo breaks down in tears, and Yeo Jin is worried. Yeo Jin inquires about it, and Hye Joo tells her about her past. Soo Bin overhears the conversation. Hye Joo makes up her mind that apologizing would settle the matter, but Yeo Jin is against it. Yeo Jin is of the opinion that apologizing would mean that Hye Joo has accepted that she is wrong, which is not the case.
Yeo Jin and Woo Jae meet at a cafe. The two share a few incidents about their past, and Woo Jae also opens up about his ambitions regarding Nam Joong Do’s career. The two shared a common past, and we are told about some of it as well, but what is the connection to everything that is happening?
The next day, Hye Joo meets Soo Bin in the kitchen and tells her that breakfast is ready. Soo Bin replies, saying she won’t need to cook for her anymore. Hye Joo replies that Yeo Jin prepared it for her. It is revealed in a flashback that Yeo Jin is aware of Soo Bin’s miscarriage and had promised to keep it a secret. A few moments later, in the present, we see Soo Bin leaving the house.
The photos that Hye Joo sent for printing were delivered to Hye Joo’s house. Hye Joo rummages around for an envelope to send Ji Hoon’s pictures to his maternal grandparents. She goes to Joong Do’s study, and in one of the drawers, she finds Ji Hoon’s phone, which was declared lost by Joong Do. On the phone, she finds text messages between Ji Hoon and Soo Bin, and it turns out that Soo Bin could be the reason behind Ji Hoon’s death. Hye Joo is shocked to find out that her husband lied to her.
Concluding Thoughts
The episodes clearly take action a notch higher. Ji Hoon’s death was already a mystery, but the Nam family was coming to terms with it. The revelation that Joong Do might be covering up the truth is a true shocker. Soo Bin’s relationship with Ji Hoon and the JD tattoo on her belly are still mysteries. It remains to be seen how Hye Joo comes to terms with the news of Soo Bin’s miscarriage. The drama is running at a steady pace and taking its time to unravel the tangled web of lies, deceit, politics, and betrayal. At the center of it all is Hye Joo, and perhaps Joong Do might break his promise to Hye Joo of keeping her away from the public eye.