Cirilla, better known as Ciri, is a major protagonist in the Netflix’s renowned series, The Witcher. She hails from the kingdom of Cintra and is the daughter of Princess Pavetta and Duny, who is also known as Emhyr var Emreis or The White Flame of Nilfgaard. Even before she was born, her destiny became intertwined with the monster hunter Geralt of Rivia through the Law of Surprise. However, the significance of Ciri’s character in the story goes beyond being a child of surprise, as her destiny plays a pivotal part in the story and even has the potential to shape the fate of the world.
Ciri, the descendant of the elven sorceress Lara Dorren, possesses a unique and powerful lineage known as Elder blood. Lara Dorren, after the conjunction of the spheres, fell in love with a human, but their tragic love story ended in sorrow. In the world of The Witcher, since everyone becomes aware of Ciri’s powerful heritage, various factions, like elves and humans, seek to harness her Elder blood for their personal and political gains.
Ciri’s own father, Emhyr var Emreis, cunningly assumed the throne of Nilfgaard after leaving Cintra in disguise. He planned to capture Ciri and bring her to Nilfgaard, not only for her safety and comfort but also to exploit her Elder blood in his quest to conquer the Northern Kingdoms. Meanwhile, the elven army, led by Queen Francesca, also sought to utilize Ciri’s Han Ichaer (meaning Elder Blood) to forge powerful magical weapons, aiming to use them against humans in their war.
In addition to Nilfgaard and the elves, power-hungry people from Redania, such as Djikstra and Philippa, aimed to find Ciri and arrange her marriage to the Redanian king, Vizimir. They also aimed to acquire the power of Cintra through Ciri’s bloodline. Amidst these interests solely driven by greed and lust, Geralt of Rivia and his true love, Yennefer of Vengerberg, saw Ciri as more than a means to power. They recognized her as a person, a child with dreams and the potential to lead the world out of chaos. Geralt, acting as a father figure, and Yennefer, as both a mother and a mentor, provide support and comfort to Ciri during her perilous journey.
Yennefer, being a skilled sorceress, taught Ciri how to harness her magical abilities. As a result, Ciri was slowly developing into a powerful mage and a compassionate human being who sought to do good for others. However, her desire to help people often puts her in danger. Ciri’s psychic visions revealed imminent deaths, and she desperately tried to prevent them. However, she struggled to understand that in her attempt to prevent minor crises, she sometimes caused major ones.
Yennefer, having learned from her own mistakes, advised Ciri to exercise patience and discretion with her visions. Yennefer had experienced major consequences for her actions, which led to the Brotherhood turning their backs on her when she set Cahir free. Yennefer’s guidance taught Ciri the importance of how to balance good intentions with careful consideration of the potential outcomes.
Geralt’s belief in political neutrality inspired Ciri a lot in the journey of her self-discovery, leading her to prioritize harmony between these factions over war. Despite being a witcher, Geralt’s actions were always guided by a sense of justice and fairness. He never killed anyone solely for a bounty and displayed his kind nature on numerous occasions. For instance, in season 1, saving Duny by lifting his curse, as well as in season 3, protecting the werewolf, Otto, showcased his generosity. Despite being a monster hunter, he had empathy for other creatures, demonstrating that the inhuman mutation to make a witcher didn’t entirely kill the human inside him.
As Ciri possessed both elven and human heritage, she dedicated herself to restoring harmony between the two races. Witnessing the devastating effects of the ongoing war, Ciri grew weary of the destruction and bloodshed it caused. Her ultimate goal was to become a powerful queen who would tirelessly work toward the betterment of both elves and mankind. Since the conjunction of the spheres had thrust humans and monsters into the elven realm, igniting widespread bloodshed that ravaged the land and claimed countless lives, the once-tranquil life of the elf kind became hunted by humans, causing them to live each passing day as a nightmare. Amongst them, a rebellious queen, Francesca, believed that violence and war could be the only means to stop the humans from hunting them, opting for a path of aggression. However, Ciri chose a more challenging approach. She sought to unite the two races, fostering coexistence in this world or, alternatively, finding a way to send the humans back to the realms from which they originated. However, achieving reconciliation and peace among these conflicting factions of elves and humans proves to be a challenging task for Ciri. The ongoing battles involving these groups prove that the path toward harmony is far from straightforward.
In the third season of the Netflix series The Witcher, the journey becomes increasingly perilous for Ciri. Geralt finds himself captured by Djikstra, leaving Ciri without her trusted mentor and protector. Yennefer, on the other hand, becomes entangled in the complexities of the Brotherhood, unsure of whom to trust.
As the story progresses, Ciri’s journey will demand great sacrifices from her and her newfound family, leaving an impact on her and claiming the lives of many along the way. Season 3 has set the stage for an intricate journey ahead, filled with danger and uncertainties for Ciri. At the end of part 1 of the third season, we witness Ciri provisionally being under the watchful eye of Jaskier, who takes a moment to indulge himself with some personal pleasure with Radovid. However, as Jaskier returns, we hope he will find Ciri safe and secure in the hut, though the ultimate outcome remains uncertain. The second part of The Witcher season 3 promises to reveal the fate of Ciri and the conclusion of the ongoing struggles in her life.