In the fourth episode of “The Exchange,” Farida and Munira secured a win with the National Cement Shares and managed to impress their bosses, Amir and Saud. Moreover, Munira’s father became the president of the cement company, but while things had worked out for Munira, Farida couldn’t handle her personal life and balance her relationship with Jude. She decided to surprise her daughter at school, but she made a shocking discovery and realized that Jude had been meeting Omar secretly.
In “The Exchange” Episode 5, Farida had been struggling mentally since her daughter had lied about meeting Omar and so she decided to send her back to the private school. Even though she couldn’t afford it, Farida was willing to compromise everything that she had since Jude was getting manipulated by Omar. Eventually, she started to agree that public school was better than private school. Farida had no choice but to suffer in silence because she couldn’t blame Jude for her and Omar’s mistakes. At the same time, Munira struggled to handle her family life, as her mother would often belittle Munira’s success, and the interview made it more difficult for her. Munira believed that her mother had been jealous of her achievements. In the end, Munira concluded that she had been living two different lives, which highly affected her sanity. But Mohamed Rashed’s article on them had certainly pulled in a huge benefit for Munira, and this might provide her a huge advantage in her struggle to attain a promotion.
Spoilers Ahead
Dealings Of The Alpha Real Estate
Farida and Munira had been tasked with helping the CEO of Alpha Real Estate, and Um Fahd, aka Ms. Sabiha, was impressed with their interview and wanted to meet both ladies in person. The real estate company had been facing difficulties maintaining its financial stability, and Sabiha required more capital to make things work. She believed that Farida and Munira had the power to help her. Farida still believed that Amir and Saud had used them as bait to attract more and more customers, but Munira thought otherwise; as for her, these were baby steps toward her dream of attaining a promotion. Saud eventually agreed to provide them with all the files related to the Alpha Estate, yet he only wanted Munira and Farida to be present at the meeting. Gradually, both of them realized that Sabiha was indeed a smart woman and invested her properties in prestigious locations like the Golden Tower. They had disregarded her position since she was a woman and assumed that she couldn’t make valuable decisions for the company. On the other hand, Farida made a calculation mistake in Nabil’s documents, and even though Nabil didn’t provide her with the right calculations, he was ready to make Farida pay for it. She tried to convince Nabil to accept his mistake, but he refused to agree.
Meanwhile, Farida had also struggled with Jude’s admission since she had to arrange 900 dinars at the British school. At the same time, Jude began to practice her violin lessons too. The following day, Farida couldn’t visit the Golden Tower, so Saud decided to join Munira instead. Surprisingly, he proposed to her for marriage, but Munira constantly ignored him. Things began to get complicated with time as Nabil decided to take Farida’s case to the clearing house, and without a second thought, they blamed Farida for the calculation mistake. But the entire company was distressed by the sudden fall in stocks around the world, and they had to plan their negotiations accordingly. Things quickly escalated when Khalifa attacked Nabil since he had insulted Farida, but Khalifa didn’t restrain himself from doing so. He had feelings for her and wanted Farida to be a part of his life. Both sisters had been dealing with the same problems; they had to deal with men who were working in higher positions than them. A relationship would affect their image at the company and could tarnish all their efforts to acquire equality for all the other women around the world.
Munira and Farida attended the meeting with Ms. Sabiha, and they tried to persuade her to conduct business with them. Since by that time, the Bank of Tomorrow had successfully launched several IPOs around the world. But Sabiha was not impressed; their ideas were quite outdated to her, and she wanted something innovative from the bank’s side. Despite all her doubts, Sabiha decided to accept the deal, but Amir couldn’t appreciate her response. They questioned Sabiha about her capabilities and belittled her for becoming Alpha’s CEO. Moreover, she wanted to hear from the ladies, and luckily, both of them were completely prepared with the files. Munira continued to share her insight on the deal, and she managed to convince Sabiha. Munira used her basic instincts to coerce a woman and showed Sabiha that she had to project her voice so that people could understand her importance and viability as the CEO of Alpha. Sabiha’s construction poses no threat to her company; they managed the profits well, and Sabiha could easily cover up the losses. Eventually, Sabiha conveniently agreed to an IPO deal with the Bank of Tomorrow, and Munira became the talk of the town
What Happened With Jude?
Farida had been busy with the Alpha Estate and the sudden change in the stock price. She received a call from Jude, as she wanted Farida to pick her up from school. But, because of her with commitments, she refused to help her and asked Jude to talk to Omar. On the other hand, Jude got into a huge fight with another student in school. She refused to carry the article about Farida and Munira that was publish by Mohamed Rashed because Jude knew that the other girls would criticize her mother’s current life. Someone else brought in the article and insulted Farida since she never wore a hijab and worked with men. So, Jude couldn’t suppress her anger and continued to fight with her classmates. This time, Jude was disturbed by the outcome and couldn’t deal with the public school anymore. The children around her had been negatively motivated by their parents, and it was evident in how they shared completely orthodox thinking and continued to think that women had been nothing but a disgrace to society. On the other hand, Jude had been trying to mend Farida and Omar’s relationship since she wanted her parents to be together always. At some point, Omar also agreed to become a huge part of her plan.
The family had dinner together, but Farida didn’t like anything about the whole affair. She wanted to get away from Omar as soon as possible. Omar suddenly pretended to be a good father and a supportive husband, but in reality, he would always criticize her for being a woman and disregard her feelings. Over these 13 years, Farida had lost all hope and started to hate herself for depending on her husband and her father since she couldn’t work. Even though she got a job, being a woman had been tough for her to handle since Jude had to face all the bullying perpetrated against her by her classmates. They envied Jude’s life and would strive to hurt her at any cost.