Tag: Nyad

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Inspiring Sports Films Like ‘Nyad’ If You Loved The Netflix Film

2023’s big sports biopic is here, and it’s a great time to put on your sports cap and spend some energy feeling motivated by...

‘Nyad’ Ending Explained & Movie Summary: How Did Diana Complete The Swim?

Try, try, and try again till you succeed. We have heard this line ever since we were little kids but have never really given...

‘Nyad’ (2023) Review: Annette Bening Portrays Diana To Perfection In This Cinematic True Story

I really admire Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi’s work, whose film Free Solo is arguably one of the finest documentaries ever made. They...


‘Faceless’ Netflix Ending Explained & Full Story: Did Kaburagi Prove His Innocence?

What happens when a good person is failed by...

‘The Persian Version’ Movie Ending Explained: Will Leila Reconcile With Shireen?

Maryam Keshavarz's The Persian Version is made to feel...

‘The Secret Of The Shiledars’ Cast And Characters Guide

The Secret of the Shiledars has to be a...

‘Wrong Side Of The Tracks’ Full Recap (Seasons 1-3): Story So Far

A common man's war against a corrupt, decrepit system...