‘Sky Rojo’ Season 3, Episode 3: Recap & Ending, Explained: What Were Moises And Romeo’s Plans To The Girls?


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The previous episode of “Sky Rojo” Season 3, opened up another opportunity for Moises. Moises traveled across Almeria to find Coral, Wendy, and Gina, but one day he saw Wendy on a bike with her girlfriend, Greta. The days went on, and Moises continued to follow them until he found the trio’s address. Moises waited outside their house to strike, but their house was located beside the civil guard station. There were two guards at the gate, and Moises awaited their departure. He immediately informed Romeo, and finally, he was at ease. The whole time, Coral and Wendy practiced scuba lessons with Toni while Gina watched them patiently. Toni went up to Gina and asked her whether the child’s father was aware of the baby. Gina quietly replied that the child’s father was no longer interested in the pregnancy. She said to Toni that they met at work, and she got pregnant unexpectedly. Then she decided to change her entire life for her child’s sake. At last, Gina gathered all the courage to face Romeo while this baby motivated her to do it. In addition, Gina’s memories revealed how a young prostitute named Brigitte had had to lose her baby to a non-ethical abortion.

The thought of losing her child led Gina to this end, and now she is able to live the life she always wished for. She had her friends and family by her side as she bathed in the sun. She was unaware that they were still in danger. Well, the days passed, and Moises didn’t move away from their house. The girls never left home together; instead, Coral always went to the bank to launder Romeo’s money. In addition, Darwin was very frustrated by Moises’ actions since he wanted to kill the girls as quickly as possible. Even Romeo had instructed Darwin to wait for them to have the opportunity. The following day, Moises went to the supermarket and bought various mechanical supplies. He had constructed a camera and placed it within a kitten doll to keep an eye on the trio. Besides, they always ordered food from the same oriental restaurant as well. Moises made a plan and approached the deliveryman.

Moises told him that he was being disrespectful to the girls and offered him this kitten doll to give to them as a present. The boy was skeptical at first, but Moises finally convinced him that he had intended to propose to a girl in the trio. Well, guess what? His plan worked, but it didn’t impress Darwin. He followed the delivery guy, and Moises chased them. Darwin braked in front of the delivery guy, and the boy lost his balance and went down. Darwin tied him up and shoved his head into the microwave. Darwin tortured him hard, and in the end, his head exploded. Darwin’s behavior was very unsettling for Moises. Moreover, that night, Moises spied on the girls while they partied. Once Gina and Wendy had gone, Moises realized that Coral was in pain. Although he hated Coral, a part of him understood her current circumstances. Moises believed that both of them had the most to lose in the end. Well, Coral danced alone in the living room that night, drowning in her drugged world.

Both of them had lived a life that they couldn’t escape. The next morning, Moises woke up and realized that the girls had come together in the kitchen for breakfast. He heard Toni talking about a dive fifteen miles offshore. Moises had already told Romeo that it was finally time to attack the girls. Even though Moises felt bad about Coral, Wendy, and Gina, he still wanted to kill them because he believed the trio was responsible for Christian’s death. Gina didn’t realize the consequences of calling her mom. One mistake on Gina’s side caused her and the other girls enormous trouble. Not only them but their respective partners were now in this vicious circle. Romeo and Moises were ruthless and unforgiving, and they would never maintain harmony with the girls. Besides, Romeo had been selfish his whole life; he would sacrifice anyone for his own good.

There was no doubt that Romeo helped Moises get arrested, but being in prison would have been much better than being in this mess. Moises and Romeo plan to gather on the shore on Saturday when those girls are in the middle of the sea. They will have nobody around, and this will make it easier for Romeo to kill the trio. Considering the circumstances, Gina is pregnant, and that battle would be fatal. Meanwhile, back in Cuba, there was no surety if Romeo set Carlitos free. “Sky Rojo” gives a clear insight into how your closest ones can betray you for their benefit. Gina loved her family, but her mother chose money over her daughter’s life. Even though the trio had been best friends for a long time, this encounter would certainly change everything since Gina had been the one responsible for Romeo’s return. Until then, there were chances that the trio would lose their loved ones again. Coral, Wendy, and Gina finally got to live their lives, but Karma comes running back to you, no matter what you’ve done. On the other hand, Romeo was glad to find them, and there was no doubt that he would make them suffer. The next episode of “Sky Rojo” Season 3 will determine if the girls are fighters or losers!

Raschi Acharya
Raschi Acharya
Raschi Acharya is a Mass Media graduate and she is currently working and living in Mumbai. From a very young age, Raschi was heavily interested in reading and writing. She prefers to write everything that her mind nurtures her to do as shaping up her imagination is her forte!



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