TV Recaps

‘One Dollar Lawyer’ Episode 5 And 6: Recap And Ending – Did Ji Hoon Prove Min Jae’s Innocence?

In "One Dollar Lawyer," Ji Hoon and Ma Ri came across a twisted murder case that every other lawyer had given up on. Ji...

‘Pennyworth: The Origin Of Batman’s Butler’ Season 3 Episodes 2 And 3 Recap And Ending, Explained

Season three of "Pennyworth" debuted on HBOMax with the first three episodes, and like the predominant theme of 60s comics, it offers a more...

‘Pennyworth: The Origin Of Batman’s Butler’ Season 3 Episode 1: Recap And Ending, Explained

After getting renewed officially in DC Fandome 2021, DC's "Pennyworth" series has finally returned with its third season and found a new home on...

‘Interview With The Vampire’ Episode 2 & 3: Recap And Ending, Explained – Why Did Louis Kill Alderman Fenwick?

Anne Rice's classic "Interview with the Vampire" has been adapted into a new AMC series, and it's off to a roaring start full of...

‘The Golden Spoon’ Episode 5 & 6: Recap And Ending – Why Does Seung Cheon Use The Spoon Again?

There is another person who has used "The Golden Spoon," and she knows about Seung Cheon's changed identity. Jang Nara exchanged her parents for...
