‘Rooming With Danger’ Ending, Explained: What Happened To Angelina?


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Sometimes, when we meet a new person, we can feel that we have met them before. Their company fills our lives with nostalgic happiness. But there are also times when we regret meeting a new person, especially when they turn our lives into a nightmare. “Rooming With Danger” is a 2023 thriller drama that revolves around the life of Angelina Ayerson, a suicide prevention counselor who has spent her life protecting others. But Angelina was herself having trouble living with her toxic ex-boyfriend Marco. Her best friend Gaby had always helped her in the relationship, so she decided to help Angelina with the breakup. She moves in with Gaby, but things get worse because Marco keeps coming back. Angelina decides to rent a flat through a portal. In the process, she came across a fashion designer named Bianca Hernandez. Angelina was immediately intrigued by her house and decided to check it out after work. Angelina believed that Marco would no longer threaten Gaby if she moved out of her house. But Angelina’s past caught up with her again because she became Bianca’s object of obsession.

Spoilers Ahead

Life With Marco

Angelina had invested everything in her relationship. In the beginning, everything was fine until Marco started to control her. She had always supported him because Marco had a traumatic childhood. Angelina believed that these experiences had led him to inflict violence on others. Marco had attachment issues, and he never allowed Angelina to have male friends. It was clear that she had been a victim of domestic violence and psychological abuse in her relationship. In the end, Angelina had no choice but to end the relationship because things were getting out of hand. Marco never took accountability for his actions and blamed everyone around him. Whenever Angelina tried to visit her friends, he accused her of infidelity. But Angelina had always devoted her entire time to improving Marco’s mental health. She was the only person who stood by him because Marco had been neglected by his loved ones. But, everyone knew he loved to play the victim card. Besides, Angelina’s experience was enough to understand that Marco was the real problem.

Marco couldn’t find a way to get her back. So he decided to propose to Angelina with her grandmother’s ring. He convinced Angelina’s mother and got the ring. When Angelina tried to get it back, he warned her to stay away. This time, Marco had a gun with him, and Angelina knew he could hurt her. So Angelina had no choice but to leave his flat.

Bianca’s Obsession 

When Angelina contacted Bianca, she went through her social media profile and learned about her personal interests. She quickly found that Angelina was a big fan of Seattle and loved visiting the city. Also, Angelina was allergic to cats, and Bianca owned a beautiful cat named Delilah. She kicked her out because Bianca wanted Angelina to rent the flat. Bianca’s plan worked, and she quickly made plans to spend more time with Angelina. Bianca hid an audio monitor in her room and listened in on Angelina’s conversations. Bianca also decided to visit Marco’s house with Angelina. Angelina demanded her grandmother’s ring, but he refused to give it back to her. The following night, Bianca snuck into Marco’s house to steal the ring, but she didn’t succeed. Bianca managed to convince him that she was Angelina’s therapist, and Marco began to tell her everything about his relationship with Angelina. When Marco didn’t return the ring, Bianca killed him and threw his body into the river. Gradually, Angelina regained her confidence because Marco had stopped harassing her. She had no idea that he was dead. She decided to get a court order to get the ring back.

Bianca decided to celebrate and made plans to go out with her, but Angelina had included Gaby in the plan. Bianca couldn’t stand Gaby’s presence around her but she pretended to like her because Gaby and Angelina were best friends. Gaby noticed that Bianca and Angelina were wearing the same clothes and found it to be very weird.

Did Angelina Notice Bianca’s Obsession?

Angelina noticed that Bianca followed her around the house. She often stared at her, and Bianca was lost in her own world. Angelina knew that Bianca had been nice to her, but something was wrong. That was understandable because Angelina had been a counselor. She had the knowledge to understand Bianca’s behavior toward her. But she didn’t notice her obsession. Meanwhile, Gaby was trying to set Diego and Angelina up for a date. Diego was a great guy who always supported Angelina. He even protected her from Marco when they moved out of his house. Bianca wasn’t happy about this and decided to interfere in their conversations. Gaby noticed the sudden change in Bianca’s behavior but she shrugged it off and didn’t give it a second thought. Bianca began to manipulate Angelina into believing that Diego wasn’t the one for her.

Angelina didn’t take it well. But it got worse when Bianca started saying bad things about Gaby. So Angelina decided to leave the room, but Bianca wouldn’t let her. She tried to persuade her because Angelina was upset about everything. Somehow, Angelina noticed that Bianca was obsessed with her little sister’s death and started paying more attention to her.

What Happened To Diego?

Angelina forgave Bianca and decided to apologize for her rude behavior. She wrote a letter and kept it in Bianca’s room. Suddenly, Angelina noticed that Bianca had an audio monitor in her room. Angelina searched her room and found the same thing there as well. When Angelina found the audio monitor, Bianca wasn’t in her room, but after some time, Bianca came back with drinks and snacks and apologized to her. But Angelina didn’t let Bianca control her this time. Angelina asked her about the audio monitor and demanded an answer. Bianca pretended to be innocent and blamed the whole thing on her former roommate Sophie. That same evening, Angelina went on a date with Diego, and Bianca decided to intervene again. She knew the only way to impress Angelina would be with her grandmother’s ring. Bianca went to the restaurant and showed her the ring. Angelina was very happy to get the ring back and invited Bianca to dinner. But Diego refused to entertain her and convinced Bianca to leave the restaurant.

The next morning, Bianca overheard a conversation between Gaby and Angelina. Angelina was planning to move to Malibu with Gaby, and Bianca couldn’t accept that. Bianca used Marco’s phone to threaten her. So Angelina had no choice but to stay behind. When Angelina and Diego went on another date, Bianca called Angelina to tell her that Marco had tried to hurt her.

‘Rooming With Danger’ Ending Explained – What Happened To Angelina?

Diego and Angelina decided to rescue Bianca as soon as possible. Diego went into the house to check, and Bianca attacked him with a knife. Angelina realized that Diego had been stabbed, and Bianca took her to the roof. Angelina was scared because she thought Marco wanted to hurt them. Gaby left her house to protect Angelina and noticed that Diego was badly injured. Gaby tried to save him, and he finally told her the truth. In the meantime, Angelina also noticed a change in Bianca’s behavior. Bianca finally showed Angelina her true colors. Moreover, she revealed that she had stabbed Diego. Bianca started talking to her as if she were her sister Amelia. Angelina now knew that Amelia’s death had affected Bianca psychologically and turned her into a killer. Angelina noticed Marco’s phone and realized that she had killed him too. Bianca tried to strangle Angelina, but Gaby was able to save her in time. In the end, Bianca tried to kill Gaby, and Angelina knocked her down. Bianca lost consciousness, and Angelina called the police. Three months later, Gaby and Angelina moved in together. Finally, Angelina had found the right people to live with, and Diego and Gaby would never break her heart.

The end of “Rooming With Danger” showed that Bianca never changed. Even though, she was arrested for her crimes, she remained true to her obsession. This time, it was her new cellmate. When Bianca and Angelina first met, Bianca told her about Amelia. According to her, Amelia had killed herself because she couldn’t cope with the deaths of her parents. Bianca’s parents died in an accident, and by now, there was no doubt that Bianca had been involved in their murder. Amelia decided to stay with her parents even though they were tormenting her, and Bianca couldn’t handle this betrayal. She was completely obsessed with her sister, and Bianca felt guilty about her actions. But Bianca couldn’t accept her mistake, and it became a habit. Gradually, murder became an obsession for her. She even murdered her former flatmate Sophie and threw her body into the river. The plot of this film was quite bland because Sophie’s boyfriend knew about Bianca’s obsession with her, so it was quite surprising that no one tried to reach her or contact Sophie. She was murdered, and no one ever filed a missing person’s report for Sophie. Moreover, when Bianca sneaks into Marco’s house, he easily believes her, which isn’t possible in real life. But, Bianca was a good manipulator. She knew the right way to confuse him.

The film also explains how Bianca was tormented by her parents and how her painful childhood turned her into a psychopath. She needed proper guidance for her behavior. If she continued this way, Bianca would hurt more people. Bianca couldn’t handle rejection and neglect. She always wanted to be the center of attention. Somehow, Bianca longed for reassurance that she had been a good sister to Amelia. When Angelina couldn’t give her this confirmation, Bianca’s obsession became uncontrollable. Besides, Angelina would never dedicate her time to those who want her life to end badly. If Bianca hadn’t come into her life, Angelina would have continued to protect those who wanted to hurt her. Even though Bianca had hurt her, Angelina moved on with her life and took the experience as a great lesson. A lesson to love herself more than anyone else.  

“Rooming With Danger” is a 2023 thriller film directed by Christine Conradt.

Raschi Acharya
Raschi Acharya
Raschi Acharya is a Mass Media graduate and she is currently working and living in Mumbai. From a very young age, Raschi was heavily interested in reading and writing. She prefers to write everything that her mind nurtures her to do as shaping up her imagination is her forte!



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