‘Outside’ Movie Cast And Character


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Outside is a fantastic Filipino Netflix original film about a family dealing with the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. The film has a minimal number of characters, and they shoulder the narrative and take the audience through the journey of their survival. Their life in a villa turns dark very quickly when they realize no one is coming to save them.

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Popular Filipino actor Sid Lucero portrays the role of Francis, who is on the run with his wife Iris and two sons, Josh and Lucas, away from their home in the city in the wake of a zombie outbreak that turned many people they knew into the human flesh-eating creatures. Francis is as terrified as his family, and they move up north in the hope the outbreak will not follow them. Francis moves into the villa where he grew up, hoping to reunite with his parents. Francis and Iris are in for a shock to find the outbreak has hit home.

Francis comes across as a doting father and husband initially, but as the story progresses, his fear of losing control takes over and he slowly slips into denial. Francis abandoned the plan of leaving the villa and moving to a safer place, which began to alarm his wife and children. He also projects his insecurities as he begins to bring up the past involving his wife, indicating that he was not the father of the older son. 


Beauty Gonzalez is Iris, Francis’ wife in Outside. She comes across as a typical housewife who has joined her husband and kids in running away from a dangerous outbreak. The zombie outbreak was a serious one, and as a mother, she feels it is her responsibility as well to take care of her family and keep them alive. Unlike Francis, Iris is more realistic about the situation they are in. She is not keen on staying in Francis’ parents’ villa for that long, as they had heard of a camp further up north. Iris is not sure if they will have enough food to sustain themselves for as long as they wish in the villa. As Francis’ mental health has taken a hit due to the overwhelming situation, Iris tries to become pragmatic. Her only goal here is to find food for herself and the sons and find a way to leave the villa, which Francis is opposed to. 

Francis many times implied during conversations that Iris had cheated on him with his brother, but the children; Josh and Lucas could not catch up to that. Iris slowly realizes Francis is losing his mind because of his traumatic childhood memories in the villa. She soon decides to take control of herself and the lives of her children as Francis goes on a rampage that can potentially harm her.


Marco Masa is Josh, Francis and Iris’s oldest son in Outside, who is a protective person. Just like his father, Josh wants to go out of his way to help his family get away from the awful outbreak situation. Josh and his brother Lucas were witnesses to the zombies surrounding them as they, along with their parents, were driving up north. Josh is in his late teens, and he has a girlfriend who he stays in touch with during these distressing times. Josh takes up the task of helping his father and mother find food and other bare necessities to survive the outbreak. Josh is a kind boy who is protective of his younger brother Lucas as they begin to spend a lot more time together. 

Josh’s relationship with his father takes an ugly turn when Francis begins to disrespect the kid and implies, he was fathered by Diego. Diego is Francis’ younger brother, and there is tension over the subject of Iris. Josh is clueless, but just like his mother, he wants a way out of the villa while Francis’ stops all of them. 


Aiden Tyler Patdu, as Lucas, is the youngest son of Francis and Iris. He also joined his family as they fled the city to make sure they did not suffer the same fate as others. Lucas is attached to his father, mother, and brother, as he agrees to everything they ask of him. Lucas, unlike Josh, is not mature enough to understand the tension simmering between his parents. His only concern, like Iris and Josh, is to get out of the villa. He is also not happy to watch his parents fighting as he begins to assume the worst.

Francis goes through severe mental distress as he comes up with delusional plans so that all of them stay in the villa and do not seek safety. Lucas takes his mother’s side as he is a witness to Francis losing his mind. Lucas sadly becomes distraught as matters in the villa go out of hand as he joins his mother to save themselves. 


James Blanco, in a cameo appearance as Diego, is Francis’ younger brother. His name initially comes up when Francis and Iris, along with the kids, plan to leave the villa to travel up north seeking shelter. Francis learns that Diego called Iris and not him and offers travel plans. This brings up all the old topics that had been buried for a while. 

Francis is angry at Diego, as it is assumed the latter and Iris had an affair. It is not established when the affair happened, but Francis has been soured about it for a while. It seems he may not have forgiven his brother for this discretion. Diego shows up later to offer Francis a way out of the villa by parting with his map. Francis knew the map was crucial, yet he chose not to use it because of his animosity towards his brother. Diego asks him to forgive and move on, but Francis chooses to let the anger bring out the worst in him.

Smriti Kannan
Smriti Kannan
Smriti Kannan is a cinema enthusiast, and a part time film blogger. An ex public relations executive, films has been a major part of her life since the day she watched The Godfather – Part 1. If you ask her, cinema is reality. Cinema is an escape route. Cinema is time traveling. Cinema is entertainment. Smriti enjoys reading about cinema, she loves to know about cinema and finding out trivia of films and television shows, and from time to time indulges in fan theories.



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