My Son’s Deception, directed by Meeshelle Neal, as the title suggests, is a crime drama about three high school boys who need easy cash become friends with a shady guy, and their lives change forever. They eventually get out of it, but with tragic results. This article will describe the events that led to them getting out of trouble and happens to them in the end.
Spoilers Ahead
What did CJ find?
My Son’s Deception began with a young boy named CJ, inside a shady mansion. He was wearing a masquerade mask and end up finding someone’s body in the study. CJ was in shock, as the person who had died was someone he knew. CJ yelled out of fear on seeing the dead body. The scene quickly shifts to Maria Dawes celebrating her son Jackson Dawes’ birthday with her brother-in-law Pete. Pete was Maria’s husband’s younger brother, who was also Jackson’s soccer coach. Jackson was informed he had been shortlisted for a soccer scholarship that would help him get into the university of his choice. He was happy as he had been working hard as a soccer player, and he was considered one of the best.
Did Maria need money for the bistro?
Jackson’s mother, Maria Dawes, had opened a bistro named “Moments Bistro” along with her husband, Harry Dawes. Harry had died in a car crash, and ever since it had only been mother and son running the place. Maria was complaining about losing customers due to the major construction work happening next door, thanks to a high-profile builder. She let Pete know the restaurant was not making profits, and that she’d had an offer from the same construction company about buying the bistro. Maria wanted to keep Jackson out of this, but he overheard this conversation and wanted to offer his help as this place was his father’s legacy. Rocco, the foreman from the said construction company, “Alum Group,” also showed up and informed Maria about the kitchen’s faulty gas pipes. This was a move aimed at bankrupting Maria, which would force her to sell her place to the construction company at a bare minimum price.
Why did Jackson join Tyler?
Tyler was Jackson’s teammate on the football team. Jackson learned Tyler was not on good terms with his father and mother, and that as a result, he was working part-time to financially sustain himself. Tyler mentioned the part-time work gave him good money, which intrigued Jackson. On reaching the mansion, which was Tyler’s place of work, he learned his friend worked as a waiter at the parties held there.
What did Jackson find out about the secret club?
Jackson was initially not keen on taking the job, but on learning his mother was struggling to keep the restaurant running and was short on cash, he hoped he could put the money from the waiter job at the mansion to use to help her temporarily. On reaching the mansion with Tyler, he learned of the super-secret social club named “Blue Fox” that bankrolled the parties attended by many rich men and women. The waiters were mainly young teenagers like Jackson and Tyler, hosting the guests. It was implied that the guests would seduce the waiters they liked and take them home, which was a crime as most of the boys were underage. Jackson made friends with Miles, who helped him navigate through the party and get him to understand the etiquette. CJ, another football teammate, joined them as a waiter as well. Jackson was not happy with the work he did at the party, but since the money was good, he could not help but continue doing so.
Did Maria confront Jackson?
Jackson was happy with the money he was getting from the gigs and offered the same to his mother, Maria. Maria asked him about the source of the money, but Jackson was very vague with his answers. She briefly went through his phone and found pictures sent by Tyler of an old rich woman from the party cozying up to Jackson. Maria was not sure she should confront her son about this, but she did confide in Pete about Jackson’s new work.
Maria eventually confronted her son about the images, soon after which he came clean about his intention of wanting to contribute to saving the restaurant. Maria was touched by his gesture, and both decided to not hide anything from each other going forward. Jackson was sure he would get the scholarship, and he suggested using his college fund for restaurant work. To his shock, Maria let him know she’d used the money already, which irked him as she hadn’t told him about it. This put their mother-son relationship on the back foot, and Jackson went back to working with Tyler.
Was Jackson in trouble?
Jackson, however, was worried about Tyler’s volatile attitude towards him. He would threaten to leak the images and then just a second later, claim it was just a prank he was pulling on him. Jackson, Miles, and CJ realized Tyler was not the guy he made himself out to be. Jackson, Miles, and CJ were worried as Tyler pointed a gun at them, which made them wonder if the boy was disturbed.
What did Tyler do to Miles?
Jackson received the scholarship as expected, but since he and his mother were not on good terms, he did not let her know. Maria, however, was not okay with a boy as young as Jackson working as a waiter at shady parties. She ran into Catherine Clawthorne, who oversaw the party and threatened to inform the police about the same. CJ was also a part of this conversation, and he let Tyler know about this. Tyler was acting weird when he agreed to delete all of Jackson’s pictures from his phone and offered a glass of wine as a truce.
Jackson passed the glass of alcohol to Miles, and seconds after consuming the drink, Miles died. This connects to the opening scene of the film, when CJ found a body in the study. It was Miles who was dead as a result of the poisoned drink which had been meant for Jackson. Jackson and CJ were clueless about how to handle the situation, but Tyler came forward and offered to wrap it up without involving any of them. Tyler, just before football practice, let Jackson and CJ know that Miles’ body was taken care of, which petrified the boys.
Why was Jackson distraught?
Jackson was distraught because he felt guilty for passing the drink to Miles. Maria, on the other hand, received a threat against Jackson’s life. She assumed it was Catherine from the ‘Alum Group’ who issued the ultimatum. She approached Pete to help her find Jackson, but he claimed her son was too angry at her and he did not want to talk. This was a lie, as Jackson was recovering from the shock of losing Miles and had run off to his mother’s restaurant to let her know about the sequence of events up until now. Jackson confessed to his mother about Tyler, his work, and what his so-called ‘friend’ did to Miles. Maria, being a considerate person, convinced him to approach the police. Jackson was distraught because he got himself into the situation and he knew he could not get out unless an adult helped him. He approached his mother and hoped she would forgive him and help him sort the matter out. Jackson did not want to lose the scholarship, as he was relying on it for a better future.
Who was Tyler’s father?
Jackson and Maria, on their way to the police, were rendered unconscious in their car and were moved to the same mansion where the parties were held. You would assume it would be either Pete or Tyler who was behind this kidnapping. The mother and son wake up to find Tyler in front of them, holding them against their will. Tyler was very secretive about the life he led, and if he was arrested, he would be forced to name the leader of the group along with the rich people that funded these parties.
Tyler was in no mood to lose his source of income, as he never wanted to go back to his parents. Tyler could be suffering from some mental health issues as a result of the neglect of his parents. This could be the reason why he got into a line of work that was strictly illegal. Tyler could not stand Jackson calling him a freak and a murderer, as he believed he’d had his reason to get rid of Miles. The mother and son were in a bad situation, and the former tried to get herself out of it by pointing Tyler’s gun at him. Maria and Jackson were shocked to watch Pete walk into the room and reveal he was Tyler’s biological father. This revelation came out of nowhere, and it was added just for the sake of it. Pete said his marriage broke up because he had an affair with Tyler’s mother. Tyler was the product of that relationship. Pete had to come clean because he wanted to justify helping Tyler. After all, he wanted to be a father figure, the likes of which his son never had. It did not make sense why a father would allow his barely adult son to involve himself in criminal work.
Did Tyler kill Maria and Jackson?
Tyler wanted to kill Maria and Jackson as they were a liability to him. As mentioned above, Tyler’s erratic behavior could have been a result of his childhood trauma caused by abandonment. Since he was neglected, he understood the importance of money in his life. Since he got rid of Miles without any noise, he assumed he could do the same with Maria and Jackson without worrying about the law. As Tyler attempted to shoot Jackson, Pete tried to stop him, as he claimed all three were his family and he did not want to lose any of them. Pete had lost his wife to a divorce because of his affair. By the looks of it, he could end up losing Maria and Jackson too because of his mistake of not rectifying Tyler’s actions. Tyler accidentally shot his father, to which he did not react. Out of fear, Maria ran out of the room while Tyler chased her. There was no purpose of running out the way Maria did as Tyler probably knew the mansion inside out, and he would be able to locate her in no time. This chase was inconsequential and only lengthened the film. As Jackson tried to stop Tyler from making another mistake, Maria injured him by breaking a glass vase over his head. This was the only way to make him immobile and call the police to inform them about his crimes.
My Son’s Deception movie ended with Tyler being arrested by the police, while it was Rocco who came in to rescue Jackson and Maria. This was a convenient save, as the makers just wanted to wrap up the film. The last scene of the film was at “Moments Bistro” six months later, as Maria was successfully running the place. There was no mention of the source of her finances to do so. As the mother and son have a video call, it is revealed Jackson was in college, Pete and Tyler were in prison, and Rocco and Maria were in a relationship. A predictable ending to a story that did not have any surprise element.