The sixth episode of Label worked on the principle of giving its protagonist some breathing space after putting him in a hell of a lot of trouble. Prabhakaran was arrested in the previous episode, and it seemed like his days of being a lawyer were over. But through some interesting legal work, he found a way to bounce back and put Arul Kumaran under pressure. Prabhakaran was still unaware of his father’s link with the label, and in an attempt to get his case quashed, he inadvertently helped Veera and Kumar get out of jail. Senguttuvan got an electric introduction, and the episode showed us how he was burning with the desire to avenge Pathaalam. The cliffhanger tantalizingly left us yearning to know who Ayya is, who was the phantom figure holding all of the strings in his label. Here is a detailed recap of Label episode 6.
Spoilers Ahead
Why Was Arul Kumaran In Trouble?
Prabhakaran was certain that Arul was using a fake case to put him in jail, but what he didn’t know was on whose behalf Arul was operating. He had no personal beef with him, so there must have been some other party that wanted to finish off Prabhakaran. Prabhakaran had been attacked by Seguttuvan’s goons, and he suspected that Arul was perhaps the next one to occupy the void Pathaalam’s death had left. Arul was Senguttuvan’s cop, after all, in a way. But there was a secret he was hiding. He had been contacted by Ayya himself, who had given him the details of Prabhakaran’s juvenile case and asked him to file a complaint. Prabhakaran knew how to tackle the fake case. He was aware of the the ins and outs of the law, by virtue of which, he filed the case directly with the judicial magistrate through a procedure known as Istagasa. This meant that all the cases investigated by that officer would be open to be studied by the judge, and it turned out there were a lot of flaws with Arul’s investigations. All Prabhakaran did was send multiple people from different areas to surrender in regard to Pathaalam’s murder. When Arul was asked how he had made the case against Veera and Kumar, given that they were now in jail, Arul could only reply that he had gotten a lead. The problem was that the leads had been killed by Senguttuvan’s men, so he basically had no backing for Veera and Kumar’s confession. Arul was reprimanded, and all the flaws in his investigations from the previous cases were now on the cusp of spilling out, which is why he went to Prabhakaran to ask for mercy.
What Did Veera And Kumar Face After Getting Out Of Prison?
Veera and Kumar were living the celebrity life in prison. When Prabhakaran got out, Veera and Kumar also had to be let out of jail, as their case was also being seen as a fake case filed by Arul. Senguttuvan was livid, knowing this fact, and made a riling speech as to what needed to be done next. Veera and Kumar, however, were facing greater emotional turmoil than mere fear of Senguttuvan. Their family had completely abandoned them. Kumar’s mother had left the house and gone back to her village, while Veera’s mother had taken a vow to never speak to him again. When Veera arrived, she didn’t acknowledge his presence, making it clear that she had severed all ties with him. On the one hand, Veera and Kumar were Bunk Suresh’s rare gems, who had finished off Pathaalam, and on the other hand, they were essentially dead to their families. They were vulnerable once again, as Senguttuvan was coming for his revenge.
What Did Senguttuvan Decide?
When Arul came seeking Senguttuvan’s blessings to fill Pathaalam’s shoes, Senguttuvan chided him for even having thought of such a repulsive idea. Pathaalam was a giant on the label, and he wasn’t just some empty space that was now going to be filled. Senguttuvan knew that Veera and Kumar were out, and when Arul suggested going after them, he was amused by everyone’s lack of imagination. What message would Veera and Kumar’s murder send now? They had already become famous. To regain supremacy, he knew he needed to attack a level higher. Bunk Suresh had also gotten out, and it was now Senguttuvan’s intention to have him murdered to send shockwaves through the Ayya Label. Bunk Suresh was Ayya’s right-hand man, and he was the one who was seen to have groomed Veera and Kumar in prison and placed a hit on Pathaalam. The man who would bring Bunk Suresh’s head would take Pathaalam’s place, Senguttuvan declared, giving everyone in the gang a free hand to take whatever measures possible to grab the opportunity. It was soon going to be a bloodbath, and Prabhakaran understood the whole plot when he figured out who Ayya was.
Who Is Thiyagarajan?
The question running through Prabhakaran’s mind was: Why would Ayya play such a long game and have him arrested? Prabhakaran’s assistant dug up the old files and found some information about Ayya, from back when he was known as Thiyagarajan. Thiyagarajan was an advocate, and he committed only one crime, that of murdering a high-profile minister. Then he disappeared for 16 years and reemerged, killing a minister’s brother-in-law. The police traced that the murderer went by Ayya, and he was the same advocate as Thiyagarajan, who was absconding now. This time, the police had his fingerprint but couldn’t match it to any criminal in their database. Due to the immense pressure of nabbing the feared gangster, the police tried to frame him in other cases, trying to get him out in the open. He turned out to be like Prabhakaran in this matter. He had ordered Paramasivan to handle his cases, with the hope that his original murders would also wash away under the pretext of fake cases. But Paramasivan wanted Prabhakaran to fight Ayya’s case, which is why he was so keen on making him join the Ayya Label. We almost got to see who Ayya was and where he was hiding when Paramasivan went to meet a shady figure. The next episode might reveal Ayya’s true identity and also show us what fate has in store for Veera, Kuamr, and Bunk Suresh.