‘Kite-Man’ Episodes 1-2 Recap & Ending Explained: Why Did Darkseid Arrive At Noonan’s Bar?


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Fans who are missing the unabashedly brutal, dark comedic flair and bloody, gore-y action of the Harley Quinn series and are eagerly waiting for the release of its fifth season will be delighted to know that the first couple of episodes of the spin-off Kite-Man emulate the same spirit even with its lesser-known baddies, Kite-Man and Golden Glider, as the leads. Matt Oberg reprises his role as the titular kite-themed protagonist, whose dwindling morale is perfectly complemented by the confident, flamboyant attitude of his girlfriend, Golden Glider, played by Stephanie Hsu. Aside from the magnetic chemistry between the duo, the hilarious, zany characterization of iconic DC villains, which was a staple for the Harley Quinn animated series as well, proves to be a highlight of the first couple of episodes.

Spoilers Ahead

How Did Kite-Man and Golden Glider Get A Hold of Noonan’s Bar?

The pilot episode opens in the Legion of Doom headquarters, where Lex Luthor is seen to have acquired the Anti-Life equation, the ultimate mechanism of mass subjugation, in a briefcase, and is in search of members of the team who are capable with flight to ensure maximum protection on aerial routes from the Justice League. With all the flying baddies being absent for the time being, he has no other option than to choose Kite-Man, aka Chuck Brown, for the task. As the narrative focus shifts to the extremely supportive power couple, Kite-Man and Golden Glider, they don’t seem to be having a particularly great time. A member of the Batfamily, Stephanie Brown, aka Spoiler, foils the bank robbery orchestrated by Chuck, and Lisa gets fired from her dance performance troupe after lashing out at the preppy, obnoxious leader of her team. Chuck and Lisa meet at Noonan’s Bar, the iconic hangout place of Gotham’s small-time baddies, and Bane arrives at the joint to recruit Kite-Man for Lex’s mission. 

However, as is usual with his clueless self, Kite-Man fumbles and fails to protect the Anti-Life equation-containing briefcase, prompting Lex to chastise him as the worst supervillain, and as Chuck tries to retort by remarking about Lex’s egotistical, lonely self, the eccentric billionaire decides to teach him a lesson by buying his hideout, Noonan’s bar, right then and there for ten million dollars. Infuriated by Lex’s arrogance, Lisa proposes they collect the amount themselves. However, after being unable to get the amount from their friends, Ivy and Harley, the duo go to Chuck’s rich father, Darryl Brown, who shares his disapproval towards his son. Lisa and Chuck decide to assemble a crew consisting of Gus, Bane, the severed head of the Queen of Fables, and a number of minor baddies to infiltrate the heavily fortified mansion of Darryl to steal the money. Eventually, during the infiltration mission, a bloodbath ensues, which wipes out all the minor lackeys, prompting Lisa to go on an enhanced, uncontrollable mode to save her boyfriend from mortal danger, and she kills the entire security team in the process. Darryl is impressed by Chuck’s effort and decides to give him the amount by himself, and the Kite-Man Golden Glider duo officially buys the bar from Noonan.

However, secretly, Lex had merely made Chuck the fall guy by faking the theft of the Anti-Life Equation briefcase, which is revealed to be still with him, and as Sinestro, the Yellow Lantern chief and member of the Legion of Doom, discovers this intel, he dies a gruesome death at Lex’s hands. In the guise of congratulating Chuck, Lex hides the briefcase in the place that is least likely to be searched—inside Noonan’s bar. On the other hand, Darkseid, Lord of the Apokolips, who has coveted the anti-life equation since eternity, prepares to go all out in his search for it.

Was the reopening of Noonan’s Bar successful?

The second episode revolves around Lisa and Chuck’s effort to throw a grand reopening of Noonan’s bar, and as the new owners, they want to impress all the ‘cool’ villains like Lex and his Legion of Doom. In the meantime, goth teenager Malice Vundabar arrives at the bar with her cat Chessure to look for a job, and her pretentious, ditzy attitude is instantly considered a red flag by Lisa. However, Chuck offers her a job as a server, despite her total lack of attention, willingness, or awareness for the job at hand. Later, Lisa goes to Lex to invite him to the grand reopening of their bar, and he promises to attend with his Legion of Doom teammates, only to throw a party of his own to draw attention away from Noonan’s bar, where he had hidden the Anti-Life equation. 

Meanwhile, Chessure gets free and is revealed to be a demonic cat who devours its victims while roaming across Gotham City and becomes gigantic in size. Chessure goes on to rampage everywhere and begins to destroy Legion of Doom headquarters, foiling Lex’s party in the process. While this is amusing for Lisa and Chuck, who have gotten a chance to get back at the criminal mastermind for his betrayal, Chessure was wearing a Noonan’s bar onesie, which mistakenly identified Lisa and Chuck as the real culprits behind this mess. Eventually, the duo manages to take the cat back to the proximity of the bar, and Malice manages to revert it back to its smaller, original form using her mystical powers. 

Chuck is devastated at the apparent failure to attract ‘cool’ patrons and customers, but Lisa comforts him, stating let this be a lesson that they simply should have tried to be themselves instead of worrying about others’ perceptions.” Chuck decides to fire Malice, and right then Darkseid appears in the bar using a boom tube, accompanied by his hellish choir. As it turns out, Malice is Darkseid’s granddaughter, and the despot shares his disdain for Malice’s apparent failure. However, Lisa decides to step in and manages the situation by acknowledging Malice’s contribution to saving the day. Furthermore, the rampage of Chessure turned out to be great publicity for the bar, as people started flocking in soon enough, being driven by curiosity. Darkseid is impressed by Malice’s actions, and after quenching his thirst with Chuck’s Lee Trovino mix, he decides to throw a free drink party for the re-opening of Noonan’s bar. Bane becomes the bouncer of Noonan’s bar, and the episode ends with baddies lining up outside, and funnily enough, amidst the waiting crowd outside, the epitome of ‘cool customers’, Matrix franchise’s Exile Twins, are seen as well. 

Siddhartha Das
Siddhartha Das
An avid fan and voracious reader of comic book literature, Siddhartha thinks the ideals accentuated in the superhero genre should be taken as lessons in real life also. A sucker for everything horror and different art styles, Siddhartha likes to spend his time reading subjects. He's always eager to learn more about world fauna, history, geography, crime fiction, sports, and cultures. He also wishes to abolish human egocentrism, which can make the world a better place.



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