Sunny is the main protagonist of the popular crime drama series, “Jamtara.” The first season of this series gained massive popularity for portraying a realistic approach to the phishing business. Similarly, the second season will highlight the growth of the phishing industry in “Jamtara.” After Sunny was shot down, Brajesh expanded his career, and many young individuals joined forces with him. Together, they build a huge empire through illegal extortion of money. Even though Sunny was hurt, his mind didn’t waver from his decisions, and he wanted to gain more money with his scam. Since the traditional method of phishing stopped working, Sunny had to think of ways that might break the whole record of phishing cases in “Jamtara.” Well, several banks created safety measures to protect their account users from getting scammed, and this, in turn, created a huge problem for Brajesh. None of his men were earning money at par, but Brajesh needed this money to promote his stance during the elections. The party workers had stopped helping him since he had no more power to convince them. Meanwhile, Sunny wanted to achieve success through modernized methods of scamming.
This time many young children supported Sunny and uploaded videos on Sunny’s phishing stories on YouTube. Well, the children were excited to know about his new plan, and finally, it was time for the great reveal. With his ability to mimic, Sunny changed his voice and scammed a man. He had the power of greed, and he used it against everyone in the country. He posed as the popular personality Amit Kumar from the Game of Millions. At first, he enticed them with the prize money of 2.5 lakhs and then asked them to pay another 25,000 as compensation for tax. People across the world were fooled within minutes. But to make it work, he needed more people. Sunny took in young children and taught about the scam business.
But earning money was not his motive; he had greater plans in his mind. The students followed his instructions and completed the target that he had requested. Sunny didn’t destroy any cell phones used for the scam and buried them in Brajesh’s backyard. The following day, different police officers arrived at Brajesh’s location since they had tracked down his IP address, and the whole illegal business was blamed on Brajesh. Here, Brajesh was very disturbed since he understood that someone was trying to tamper with his fame in “Jamtara.” By this time, villagers were doubtful of Brajesh’s actions as more crimes turned up, and the cops had enough evidence to arrest him, but he used his power negatively. On the other hand, Sunny was arrested in a fraud case that affected Gudiya’s position in the elections. People stopped attending her rallies, and this threatened her success.
Sunny had to fix everything back to normal. They needed loads of money to acquire votes from the people. But Ganga Devi wanted more from Gudiya. She didn’t help her with the money, and Gudiya was helpless regarding the elections. Since Gudiya worked for Ganga Devi, her job was to defeat Brajesh and supply money to her. Even though both of them belonged to the same family, Ganga had unresolved anger towards Brajesh. She warned Gudiya and forced her to look for ways to automatically initiate the votes. Now, an estranged Gudiya visited everyone’s house and requested their votes. But none of this worked, so Sunny found out more information on the Bus application, which enabled him to upload the PIN of an account without any limit. Normally, the account will be blocked if a wrong pin is uploaded more than three times. But this application had a glitch that worked in their favor. At first, Gudiya was adamant about his decision, but soon she learned that they could earn more money from this scam.
So, they brought in several people to work under them, and this time they all gave in their account numbers and IFSC Codes. Through this, Sunny’s team cracked the pin code and transferred lakhs of money into their account. The villagers trusted Gudiya with the process since she had promised to pay them for the vote. After a few days of work, people received 10,000 rupees in their accounts. The next day, Gudiya won the elections and defeated Brajesh. This, in turn, marked a change in the history of “Jamtara,” as Brajesh’s family had ruled over their village for years. Yet again, Sunny used his intelligence to earn money, and even though these transactions had several risks, Sunny didn’t stop at anything. He wanted Gudiya to win this election since it could change their lives forever. The couple had a massive threat from Ganga Devi, and this win marked their freedom from her as well. At the beginning of the episode, Brajesh revealed that Sunny is the mastermind of these scams, and it was proved with the finale of “Jamtara” season two. Well, the duo managed to settle their differences, and even though they had plans to break up this marriage, the couple had other plans for now. Sunny, on the other hand, will surely come up with digitized ways to scam people for money, and this time he will stun everyone with his tricks!