‘It’s What’s Inside’ Movie Recap And Ending Explained: What Happens To Beatrice?


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There’s always been a dilemma about what people truly love us for, our minds or our bodies. Personally, I believe it’s our consciousness that makes us unique, not our bodies; after all, bodies change over time. This is a tricky conversation, and Netflix’s new movie, It’s What’s Inside, dives right into this topic, where the movie gives you an almost euphoric feeling, kind of like the trippy vibes you would maybe get from watching Enter the Void, if you know you know! The story revolves around a guy named Reuben, who’s having a pre-wedding game night with his college friends, but things take a strange turn when they end up playing a game made by their buddy Forbes, which allows them to literally switch bodies with someone else. Yes, it’s insane! As you can imagine, things go horribly wrong. Two of their friends end up dead while their consciousness is still trapped in someone else’s body. Now the big question is, do they make it back to their own bodies? Or is this some kind of rebirth situation?

Spoilers Ahead

What happened in round 1 of the game? 

As the movie starts, we meet a couple, Cyrus and Shelby, and it’s obvious that Cyrus isn’t really into Shelby anymore as he is not excited to be with her and would rather be with Nikki, an Instagram influencer who was his college crush. That didn’t work out, though, so he’s been with Shelby ever since, kind of like he had compromised. Shelby understands that her boyfriend does not like her for who she is, so she has to put on the blond wig to spice things up, to be like Nikki. Also, Even though they’ve been together for years, there’s no engagement or wedding talk. They both end up going to their friend Reuben’s pre-wedding celebration where Reuben’s fiancée, Sophia, isn’t there, it’s just a group of their old college friends. Apart from Cyrus and Shelby, there’s Reuben, Dennis, Brooke, Maya, Forbes, and yes—Nikki. It’s a bit awkward, especially since there’s some history between these people. Everyone was also a bit weirded out that Forbes was coming because he was known for creating crazy games and being a tech genius, but he had a bit of a temper. He’d actually been expelled from college at one of Reuben’s birthday parties.

The backstory was that Forbes’ sister, Beatrice, who was still in high school, had a huge crush on Dennis. But Dennis and Nikki were a thing at the time, which made Beatrice lose it at the party. Forbes tried to calm things down, but it only escalated, and Reuben and Dennis ended up snitching on him, so the cops were called and thus Forbes was expelled, and Beatrice was sent to a mental hospital. So, after this incident, Forbes went to California, became a major tech genius, and showed up to this party with, as expected, a game! It came in a suitcase full of cords that were supposed to be connected to people’s heads, and by switching the cords around, they could swap consciousness with each other and live inside someone else’s body. It was almost like getting high, but without drugs. Since it was such a top-secret game, Forbes didn’t want to risk playing at first, but eventually, he gave in. Once they started playing, things got strange and everyone changed their bodies and consciousness with one another. Reuben’s body ended up with Cyrus’ consciousness inside, while Dennis’ body had Forbes’ consciousness—but Dennis pretended it was Cyrus inside his body. So it was clear that Forbes was clearly messing with the rules and having fun with it.

Meanwhile, Maya’s consciousness was in Nikki’s body, but Cyrus (inside Reuben’s body) didn’t care about any of that. He was just thrilled to finally be near Nikki’s body. Maya meanwhile thought that she was talking to Forbes (because she saw Reuben’s body) and opened up about how she used to like Reuben, and how heartbroken she was that he was getting married as they used to be a thing. So, Maya thought this might be her last chance to be close to him. So, thinking it was Forbes, Maya (in Nikki’s body) made out with Cyrus (in Reuben’s body) to make out with Reuben. And Cyrus? Well, he didn’t say a word to clear up the confusion, after all, he finally got to make out with Nikki, even if it was under messed-up circumstances. And that’s how the first round of the game went, with everyone getting played, but no one, especially Forbes or Cyrus, said a word about it.

Why did Dennis snitch about Cyrus? 

After round one, things got a bit messy as Cyrus wasn’t happy that Forbes had lied to him, and he talked about it with Shelby, though of course he left out the part about kissing Nikki (who was actually Maya) as it was clear he was freaked out. But Shelby tried to calm him down, saying it was just a game, and they should treat it like one. So, they decided to play again, and this time, Shelby’s consciousness got trapped in Nikki’s body, and it felt like a dream come true for her. She finally felt “perfect” in her boyfriend’s eyes, and in the eyes of Nikki’s many social media followers. Meanwhile, Cyrus’ consciousness ended up in Forbes’ body. Shelby (in Nikki’s body) wanted to kiss Cyrus (in Forbes’ body) and even asked him to call her Nikki, which showed how deeply insecure and uncomfortable she was in her own skin and how much she craved validation from Cyrus, who had made her feel this way in the first place. But the real problem came when Cyrus got a taste of his own medicine, and became jealous. He thought Shelby liked Forbes’ body because Forbes was a tech genius, the kind of person Shelby had always admired.

Cyrus’s male ego couldn’t handle the idea that someone might be better than him, but it wasn’t like he was going to change himself to be better. Meanwhile, another situation was brewing as the unresolved feelings between Maya and Reuben flared up again. Maya’s body had Brooke’s consciousness in it, and Dennis’ body had Reuben’s consciousness. Just like last time, Maya (who still had feelings for Reuben) wanted to make out with him. Reuben, now inside Dennis’ body, took advantage of the situation. They made out while standing near the edge of a cliff on the roof, but as they were in the act, they slipped off and, tragically, ended up falling off the cliff and died instantly. So you can imagine the situation: Dennis’ body was dead, but it was actually Reuben who had died, while Maya’s body was dead, but Brooke was the one who really died, so basically it was a disaster. They wanted to call the cops, but Forbes, who was now in Reuben’s body, didn’t want to because he was afraid the police would take away his high-tech game. The real problem was that Dennis’ consciousness was still trapped in Cyrus’ body.

Dennis’ body was dead, so he didn’t know what would happen if they switched back and he was afraid that if Cyrus’ consciousness returned to his own body, then Dennis might be lost forever, so he refused to switch and tried to convince them that it was like a rebirth. This caused a huge fight between Cyrus and Dennis. Dennis, in Cyrus’ body, started shaming Cyrus (now in Forbes’ body) for being disloyal and a bad partner. It was almost like Cyrus’ body was confronting his own mind outside of his body to force him to realize what a terrible person he had been. Of course, Cyrus didn’t take it well and fired back to insult Dennis for being a spoiled brat who lived off his parents’ money without achieving anything on his own. Just like that, their ugly truths came out when Cyrus revealed that, back in college, Dennis had hooked up with Beatrice, Forbes’ sister, and cheated on Nikki. So Cyrus had tried to pretend to be a good guy and told Nikki about it as he hoped she would leave Dennis for him, but she never did. Instead, Cyrus had ended up with Shelby and from then he felt like he had sacrificed his happiness. And then, in a fit of anger, Dennis, still in Cyrus’ body, called the police and told them that it was Cyrus who had pushed Reuben and Brooke off the roof, and now they were dead.

What happened to everybody at the end? 

Shelby didn’t want to leave Nikki’s body because she was enjoying all the attention and validation that came with it. Where on the other hand when Forbes refused to switch back using the machine, Shelby was the only person who could help everyone return to their original bodies. But she wasn’t ready to help, obviously. Meanwhile, Shelby’s own body had Maya’s consciousness inside, which made things even more complicated since Maya’s actual body was dead. On the other hand, Brooke’s body held Nikki’s consciousness, and Nikki was desperate to get back into her own body.. At first, Shelby tried to convince herself that maybe Cyrus loved her for who she really was. But then, Maya (in Shelby’s body) saw a cut mark on Cyrus, and it clicked that Cyrus in the first round had pretended to be Reuben and kissed Maya and lied about the whole situation. This realization made Cyrus seem even more unreliable as a partner, but before things could escalate further, they all agreed to switch bodies one final time, for good.

But I would say no one could’ve seen the ending coming. On Reuben’s wedding day, a crazy Beatrice showed up and started attacking Forbes. But the shocking part? It wasn’t Forbes, as it was Dennis’ consciousness in Forbes’ body. And who was Beatrice, really? It was Beatrice’s body for sure, but Forbes’ consciousness was actually inside her. Turns out, Beatrice had been playing them all along. Remember that story about Reuben’s birthday? Well, it wasn’t Reuben’s—it was Dennis’ birthday. That day, Beatrice had one of her worst mental episodes when she was confronted with Dennis and Nikki’s relationship. She was hurt and abandoned, things spiraled out of control. The cops showed up, Forbes got expelled, and everyone labeled Beatrice as delusional and mental, which landed her in a mental hospital on suicide watch. Forbes was a protective brother, so he went to California, and with the help of his tech friends, created the body-swapping game in hopes of reconnecting with Beatrice. But Beatrice had different plans because she wanted revenge for all her humiliation and also because her sane self said bye-bye long ago! Once she switched bodies with Forbes, she knocked him out, ran away with the machine, and used it to get back at everyone responsible for her breakdown at the party as Beatrice wanted them to suffer, just like she had. In the end, Cyrus ended up in jail, charged with the murders of Reuben and Brooke, since their bodies had fallen off the roof and Dennis had blamed him for it. Shelby visited him, but after learning the truth about how much of a liar and cruel person Cyrus was, she realized he’d never truly accepted her for who she was and he had only ever wanted her to be like Nikki. So, Shelby had had enough and was tired of his mind games and no longer wanted to be in this toxic relationship.

Shelby decided not to help him get out of jail. As for the others, Maya’s consciousness ended up stuck in Brooke’s body, and Nikki’s consciousness ended up in Reuben’s body. And guess where Beatrice ended up? She was now in Nikki’s body and had everything she wanted as she transferred all of Dennis’ money into her account, and with the perfect body, fame, money, and the game machine in her hand, she was set for life and she got her revenge and left everyone else confused, lost in bodies that weren’t theirs. There was no way they could stop her without the machine. So, In the end, the others were trapped, and I don’t think they’d ever figure out how to fix the mess she created, because even if Forbes makes another machine like this, there is no way they could swap back because half the bodies are gone with the wind. So, Beatrice had won! 

Sutanuka Banerjee
Sutanuka Banerjee
Sutanuka, a devoted movie enthusiast, embarked on her cinematic journey since childhood, captivated by the enchanting world of the Harry Potter series. This early passion ignited her love for movies, providing an escape into the magical realms of cinema. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in media science, combining her academic pursuits with her unwavering passion for the silver screen.



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