‘Invasive’ Movie Ending Explained & Full Story: What Is The Deal With Pierce Patton?


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Imagine Elon Musk as the homeowner from Don’t Breathe, and you get Jem Garrard’s Invasive. The Tubi thriller can’t claim to be original when it comes to the main plot, but it is still wildly entertaining. The twists and the big reveal are not exactly ‘‘Are you freaking kidding me?’’—especially if you are a genre movie enthusiast—but it still works out thanks to the cool setup and believable acting from the cast. The ending of Invasive is pretty definite, although you might wonder what will happen to our lead girl, Kayleigh, after all the madness that she has endured to survive.

Spoilers Ahead

What happens in the movie? 

A voluptuous woman, Laura (the description is essential here), has arrived in the middle of nowhere. She seems to be following directions regarding the location, which were delivered to her by someone on a phone call just moments ago, but still, she doesn’t see anything around her. Very soon, though, someone appears on the scene—we don’t get to see the person, but it is most likely a man—and abducts Laura before she suspects anything. The scene moves to a high-end party at a brutalist mansion on a mountain. The house and the entire mountain belong to Pierce Patton, a brilliant billionaire who has made his name in the field of medical advancements. You know that there’s something wrong with the guy when he gets fixated on a journalist using a different photo from the ones he originally chose for the magazine cover. He doesn’t react much, though, but there’s enough of a hint. Meanwhile, Kayleigh, aka Kay, is working as a hostess at Patton’s party. But here’s where things get dicey – she is also secretly living in the mansion. We also meet Riley, Kay’s friend, who has come to live with her. Kay still has her father’s place where she can stay, but Riley is completely homeless—the class division between Pierce and these two is quite evident here, which forms the crux of the main plot. This is not quite ‘eat the rich’ story; instead, the rich here are eating the poor – not literally though. Of course, the climax turns out to be a positive turnaround for Kay; we’re going to come to that in a while.

What is the deal with Pierce Patton?

Once the party is over, Kay and Riley have their coast clear. Pierce doesn’t live in the house most of the time, so it’s even better for these two. However, Riley doesn’t stay for long as he goes to attend a booty call. Alone at the house, Kay plans to have a gala time pampering herself, but that gets ruined when Pierce unexpectedly returns with that journalist from the party earlier. Unable to properly hide, Kay just settles herself behind a sofa and hopes the trouble will pass soon. But Pierce appears to still be mad over that photo that the journalist used, and he drugs the journalist, with the intention of doing more bad things to the man. What’s further worse is Pierce notices Kay at this juncture. Not only does Kay understand the house she has sneaked into has a deranged owner, but she now has him hunting her, with a gun in hand. However, the rule of thumb for a movie like this is the hero can’t die in the middle of it. That’s alright as long as we get nail-biting moments of tension or spectacular action set pieces—and Invasive happens to have quite a lot of that. The best of the lot has to be when Pierce shuts the door of the swimming pool and Kay gets trapped inside it, while he handles a police officer who has come for a routine check – all thanks to Kay calling 911 earlier. Pierce also has the commissioner of police in his pocket, which practically disables the threat of him getting tried by a local police officer. 

Once we’re done with that, the game of survival for Kay begins again. Things further intensify when she finds the journalist, tied up to a stretcher inside an elevator that goes down to the basement of the house. In the basement, Kay finds a lab with a number of humans in a captive state—all of whom look like life has been drained out from them. Pierce’s justification here is that he is doing all this in order to find a cure for cancer—which is absolute bull crap, of course. The man has a penchant for exploiting and torturing the poor, and he derives  pleasure from that. This is a fictional character, but there’s every chance of the real world having rich people like this—which is a really scary thought to process. Anyway, Kay does manage to get away by stabbing Pierce in the face. But her luck is so terrible that she runs into his girlfriend Jessica outside, who points a gun at her and brings her back inside. It doesn’t take long for us to conclude Jessica is as terrible as her boyfriend and shares the same interests as him—no wonder they’re a couple. Kay has no choice but to return to the lab now, this time as a captive.

Does Kay manage to get out?

Guess who returns just in the nick of time? It’s our guy, Riley, who finally comes back and gets concerned after not finding his friend and also not being able to contact her on the phone. He soon comes across Pierce and Jessica, who seem to have quite a great romantic (and erotic) time together. Riley certainly has no plan to kill anyone, but in the heat of the moment, he ends up putting a bullet in Jessica. He then points the gun at Pierce and orders the homeowner to take him to Kay. Pierce and Riley have quite the verbal banter about right and wrong on the way, and Pierce manages to get the best of Riley. He then goes to Kay and threatens her with a video of Riley before giving her a condition. If she cooperates—which is basically giving him her phone with which she took a lot of videos of whatever happened at the night—he’s going to go easy on Riley. She obliges, and Pierce goes to retrieve the phone, which she left in a room before getting captured. In the meantime, Riley comes back and rescues Kay—she was being kept in the kind of glass cage Joe Goldberg from the popular Netflix series “You” uses. Just when they’re about to make a run, Kay decides to save the other people. But to her surprise, Riley now points a gun—this is Jessica’s gun, by the way—at Kay and demands she give up. Turns out, he is idiot enough to make a deal with Pierce that gives him ten million dollars of cash in exchange for his silence and helping the lunatic capture Kay again. But this time around, luck favors Kay for a moment, as one of the prisoners suddenly attacks Riley. The prisoner is Laura, by the way, the woman who was abducted at the very beginning of the film and now looks like a shadow of herself. Frustrated at Riley, Pierce shoots him point-blank, killing him instantly.

Kay is about to be captured again, but this time she doesn’t try to get away. It looks like she’s done fighting. But then we get the ultimate and only payoff. Pierce, while boasting about what he’s going to do to Kay, starts feeling dizzy and realizes that something terrible is happening to his body. Kay then coolly breaks it down to him—earlier, Pierce deliberately gave cancer to the journalist by using a small patch that works with direct contact. It’s futile going into the science here, but that’s exactly what Kay has done, as she has managed to put one of those patches on her phone, which is now inside Pierce’s pocket doing the magic. It is absolutely illogical but very satisfying to watch, I must say. Invasive ends with Kay having her “Hush” moment—by which I mean the scene is almost the same as the final scene of the Mike Flanagan movie. However, it perfectly fits this movie as well. Kay, in the end, is the hero this story needed and deserved. I am not sure what she’ll do in the future, but for now, she has survived; it’s all that matters.

Rohitavra Majumdar
Rohitavra Majumdar
Rohitavra likes to talk about movies, music, photography, food, and football. He has a government job to get by, but all those other things are what keep him going.



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