“Faraaz” is a 2023 film that revolves around the horrific terrorist attack that took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2016. Five terrorists were involved in the attack, and they killed many civilians in the Holey Artisan Bakery. The terrorists inside the bakery were highly educated, and they were all Bangladeshi nationals. “Faraaz” provided a glimpse of how these terrorists were manipulated to commit violence. When the terrorists began to attack everyone inside the bakery, they called out to the Bangladeshi Muslims.
The terrorists spared all the Bangladeshi Muslims and killed everyone who belonged to other countries. They believed killing all these innocent souls would help them claim their place in heaven. Moreover, they constantly ridiculed the girls who wore western dresses and blamed them for disregarding the beliefs of Islam too. The local police failed to gain control over the bakery, and many officers were killed. So, they had no choice but to increase their forces with the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and SWAT. The movie displayed the painful emotions of all the hostages. All the innocent people were held captive inside the bakery as their families struggled to get them back.
Spoilers Ahead
Faraaz And Nibras
The characters in this film portrayed their roles pretty well. But ‘Faraaz’ focused more on the perspectives of two individuals, Faraaz Hossain and Nibras Islam. While Faraaz was a common civilian who was held captive, Nibras was one of the five terrorists. Faraaz was a 20-year-old boy who was highly intelligent and thoughtful, and he’d always been loved by his family. Moreover, Faraaz was stubborn about his decisions and always chose to follow his heart. On the day of the attack, Faraaz visited the Holey Artisan bakery with his friends, Tarishi and Abhinta. Faraaz had a chance to leave the bakery, but he chose to protect his friends and stayed by their side. Faraaz understood that he knew Nibras Islam, one of the five terrorists.
According to the movie, Faraaz and Nibras were acquaintances, and they played football together. Nibras was a good student and a fun person to be with; he completed his studies in Malaysia. But now, Nibras was no longer a fun and outgoing person but a murderer who took many lives. Nibras tried to convince Faraaz that the world had been eliminating Islamic traditions. Faraaz couldn’t understand the logic behind his claims and tried to show him the real truth. But Nibras believed that his actions were revolutionary. Many photos and videos were circulated on the internet, and Nibras stood with a grin on his face. He held a rifle in his hand with no remorse or guilt.
Why Did Nibras Kill The Civilians?
Even though Nibras was brainwashed, there are several parts in the film that show a different side of his character. It seems that Nibras was no longer happy in Malaysia and decided to return to Bangladesh. When the news channels showed his photos on television, Nibras was very proud of his actions. Nibras felt more confident when he was praised for his work. Eventually, he tried to control all the other members of the group. When Faraaz questioned his sanity, Nibras attacked him because he hated that Faraaz had insulted him. Nibras believed he was a true Islamic soldier, and that his deeds would be called legendary. Nibras forced everyone to chant prayers at night and acted as a savior. His belief in God was too superficial, lacking a basic sense of humanity.
As time passed, many survivors noticed that the terrorists were unable to communicate with each other. While Nibras tried to act like a leader, the others worked against him, especially Rohan (the terrorist). In the end, they feared for their lives. But Nibras was willing to die for his so-called religious zeal.
What Happened To Faraaz?
Nibras and Rohan got into a fight. He wanted to leave because he was afraid of dying. When he tries to convince Nibras, he shoots Rohan. In the end, Nibras just wanted to die. So he let all the civilians go, but Faraaz could not escape. His mother waited for him in the scorching sun, only to learn that she had lost her son. They did not allow him to go with Tarishi and Abhinta because one of them had hit Mobashir (the terrorist). But Tarishi and Abhinta were also killed in the attack.
In the end, Faraaz died a heroic death, and he was honored with the International Mother Teresa Memorial Award among many other awards. Faraaz had been praised for his humanity, and now he had set an example for others around the world. Even though he had the opportunity to live his life, Faraaz chose to die for his friends and his country. Well, some of the survivors returned safely, but the trauma was unforgettable. Life can put you in unexpected situations, and the Dhaka survivors experienced them all. They no longer believed in anyone in their lives. Nevertheless, the bodies of the terrorists remained unidentified. None of their family members came forward to learn the identity of their child.
Thousands of people paraded through the streets of Bangladesh to remember those who lost their lives in the attack. To this day, Faraaz is remembered by his family and his people. Faraaz knew that humanity was above everything else, and he proved that humanity still exists.