‘Bel-Air’ Season 3 Finale Episode 10 Recap And Ending Explained: Who Kidnapped Will Smith?


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Episode nine of season three of Bel-Air ended with Hillay and Jazz spending the night together. They only talked and did not sleep with each other. She wanted closure just before she got married to Lamarcus. Yolanda is convinced by Phil to try to come up with a better solution for the standoff between the people of South LA and Omar Campbell, the real estate developer. Will and Carlton were finally on the same page after a small setback in the workings of BlackCcess; they finally found a third investor with the help of Quentin to support the business. The investor was Carlton’s nemesis from high school, Drew. Let’s follow what happened in Bel-Air episode 10 and what we can expect next.

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What happened to Hillary’s engagement ring?

The episode started with Hillary frantically looking for the engagement ring given to her by Lamarcus when he proposed to marry her in a week’s time. She was looking for it in every corner of the house but could not find it. At the dinner where her and Lamarcus’ families, he asked about the ring, to which she responded she’d turned it in for polishing. Hillary was panicking as she did not want to let her fiancé know anything about her association with Jazz, which could end their relationship, effective immediately. She was not sure how Lamarcus would react, which made her keep the secret to herself.

Was Carlton livid at Drew?

BlackCcess’ new investor was Carlton’s nemesis from high school who was back in their life after a stint in Paris. Drew’s father was very rich as well, and he was friends with Quentin, which was how his father showed interest in investing in BlackCcess and handed over the operations to his son. Drew and Carlton had a falling out in high school when they all protested together against the wrongful termination of a teacher. However, the Black Student Council got angry at Carlton, as at the last moment he’d frozen up and could not give his speech. 

Carlton clarified a while back that he had had a panic attack, while Drew insisted he’d betrayed the cause by not speaking up at the crucial moment, which led to them getting into a brawl. Carlton and Will were not happy to have Drew on board, as he would say things to trigger them. He started with changing many aspects about the merchandise which could affect their brand image to get more traction from sales. Carlton and Will were angry as Drew was already trying to play boss when he wasn’t. Carlton lost his cool, but Will pacified the situation. 

Why did Hillary want to hear about her parents’ marriage?

Hillary was wondering if she was making the right decision as she was still pondering over her kiss with Jazz and if she should tell her fiancé about it. To get a clearer picture, she asked her mother about the situation between Phil and Erica. Viv claims she wishes she had not known about it because it caused a lot of unnecessary distress between Phil and her. She also clarified that Erica kissed Phil, but that marriage is hard work and making it work would totally depend on actions rather than just the words of assurance given to pacify the situation.

What did Jazz find in his shoes?

Jazz was getting ready to head to work when he found Hillary’s engagement ring in his shoes. He immediately informed Will about the same and had hoped Will’s family including Hillary had not already flown to the estate for the wedding. Will and Hillary’s best friend Ivy flew Jazz down to the estate to get the ring to them before the ceremony, and Lamarcus found out the real reason why the engagement ring was missing. 

Was Will not happy to meet his mother’s boyfriend?

Hours before the wedding, Will was introduced to Gerald, his mother’s boyfriend, as she had brought him along for the wedding. Will was not impressed with the new development, as he was very protective of his mother after knowing what she was put through by his father, Lou. Will was not trusting of Gerald, and he was passive aggressive towards him. 

How did Lamarcus come to know about Hillary cheating on him?

Jazz reached the estate with the intention of not just giving back the ring but also convincing Hillary to be with him. Jazz was somehow convinced the ring was at his apartment for a reason, and he feels he still has a chance with Hillary after the conversation they had. Will calmly asks him to think how ridiculous the scenario sounds, as Hillary had mentioned several times that she loved only Lamarcus, who was equally in love with her. Jazz went up to Hillary’s room to deliver the ring, which was his way of finally ending things between him and her. On their way down, Lamarcus saw Jazz with Hillary, which made him question if they had some unfinished feelings between each other. Lamarcus trusted Hillary, but he was unsure about the situation between her and the ex-boyfriend of hers. Hillary finally told him about the kiss, which further made him wonder if he should end things with her since he was not sure what Hillary wanted. 

How did Lisa meet Jamal Hill?

Lisa was training to be a national-level swimmer, and she was struggling with the training. This was when Viv, Carlton’s mother, introduced her to the champion athlete Jamal Hill to boost her confidence and make things better for her on the professional side. She was genuinely excited and could not contain it while sharing the news with Will. 

How did Hilary convince Lamarcus not to break up with her?

Just a while before the wedding, Lamarcus was contemplating his future with Hillary. Ashley let him know she was glad to have been proven wrong about him and Hillary, as she could see how much her sister cared for Lamarcus, and how she went out of her way to be there for him ever since the episode on the football field. Hillary convinced him to give their relationship a shot as she was sure about wanting to spend the rest of her life with him. She asked him to show up at the wedding for the sake of the relationship. Lamarcus finally showed up for the ceremony, and he and Hillary got married. This indicated he had forgiven her for her mistake, and they could look forward to a life of happiness. 

Are Eli and Ashley falling in love?

Eli was a young songwriter Ashley was spending her time with and they had been doing it to write songs and discussing their views about life and music in general. Both also had discussions about the kind of music they wanted to write, which eventually got them even closer as they began to develop feelings for each other. Even though Eli was nonbinary and was attracted to men, they felt themselves drawn to Ashley. Ashley initially had conveyed she was attracted to women, but she could help but fall for Eli. Eli was invited to Hillary’s wedding, which was where he confessed his love to Ashley. 

Where did Geoffrey disappear?

Geoffrey was overwhelmed to watch Phil and his family having a moment at the wedding. He could not stop wondering about his family as well. He wanted to be there for Frederick and Penelope and keep them away from the life of crime. Geoffrey exited the wedding party and left a note for Phil to read long after they were back to their home in Bel-Air that discussed his reasons to leave and be with his family. Geoffrey never left the Banks family out of his choice, but this time he did so so that his life could be free from the past he had in London, and he could eventually join Frederick and Penelope. Phil was not happy, but Geoffrey had to take this step. The episode also showed Viv taking a pregnancy test and finding out she was pregnant for the fourth time. She had mentioned being nauseous at the wedding but pushed it away thinking it was the weather. At this point, Viv has not shared the news with Phil, and it will likely be discussed in the next season. 

Why did Amira leave for Boston?

Amira was in rehab as  she relapsed into drug addiction, and as a result, she’d tried to harm herself. While she was saved in time by Lisa, Carlton, and Will, they came to know a lot about her past. Carlton realized she had lied to him about the trauma she faced after an accident that killed the other person involved. She had survivors’ guilt, which forced her into depression and rampant drug abuse. This landed her in rehab again after the incident that almost broke Carlton and Amira up. Amira eventually met Carlton, Will, and Lisa before leaving for Boston, as she was headed for advanced treatment for her condition and hoped it would help her. Carlton and Amira were not breaking up, but the distance and her treatment might have taken a toll on their relationship, but they were willing to power through it.

What happened to Lamarcus?

Lamarcus and Hillary were having the time of their lives during their honeymoon, putting everything behind ever since the wedding. As they were planning for a night out after some drinks, Hillary found Lamarcus unconscious on their bed, which freaked her out. He had a heart condition that was established very early in the show, and there was a possibility the condition was never fully healed. The makers did not show if Lamarcus died or not, leaving it ambiguous. The next season will expand on the same, and hopefully Lamarcus will survive this episode.

Who kidnapped Will Smith?

Will went looking for his father, Lou, in the hope of patching things up for the better. He found the apartment empty and a man claiming he was asked to donate the remaining stuff to charity. After having a conversation with his mother, Will may have arrived to patch things up and hopefully find a way to make things right and start working on their relationship. Watching his father disappear again was heartbreaking, and it transported him back to his childhood, and to the time he disappeared after meeting him at Phil’s home. This proved that Lou did not care about Will or care enough to let him know why he was leaving. Will felt abandoned again, and there was no way he would feel the same if Lou ever returned. 

Just outside the building where Lou lives, Will was kidnapped by a group of men. These men could be the reason Lou left town, as he was a criminal before he went to prison. Lou could have gotten himself in trouble, which was why these men were waiting for Will to show up to use him as leverage. It could be Rashad Denton as well, who was alive in the second season, wanting to go after Will for the altercation that took place in Philadelphia. Rashad could be taking Will out of Bel-Air to make him pay for what happened in Philadelphia. Again, all of it would rely on the fourth season, where the makers will expand on who kidnapped Will Smith, and why.

Smriti Kannan
Smriti Kannan
Smriti Kannan is a cinema enthusiast, and a part time film blogger. An ex public relations executive, films has been a major part of her life since the day she watched The Godfather – Part 1. If you ask her, cinema is reality. Cinema is an escape route. Cinema is time traveling. Cinema is entertainment. Smriti enjoys reading about cinema, she loves to know about cinema and finding out trivia of films and television shows, and from time to time indulges in fan theories.



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