‘Bachchala Malli’ Movie Full Story & Ending Explained: Who Died?


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Bachchala Malli is a Telugu film that is now streaming on Amazon Prime and is all about a young man and his ego, which ruined his life for the worse. There are countless films that glorified toxic behavior, and surprisingly this film held a mirror up to the leading man, who went out of his way to sabotage his own life.

Spoilers Ahead

Who was Bachchala Malli?

Bachchala Malli is the titular character of the film. It began with him being showcased as an impatient man with a lot of anger issues. The prologue of the film had Malli getting out of a bar drunk and tipping off his vehicle. The movie goes back to flashback where Malli, as a young teenager, was a witness to his father walking out on him and his mother for his second wife and the child from that relationship. This event changed Malli inherently, and in rage he got himself kicked out of school. Malli became like a rowdy figure in the town who grew up to work in a gunny sack-making factory and had no education to help him find a financially secure job. He had a complicated relationship with his mother, who chose to forgive her husband; unlike Malli, who never referred to him as his father. 

How did Malli meet Kaveri?

Malli was only close to his niece Raji, who somehow understood his pain and rage. However, she never asked him to move on, and she let him be for as long as he could. It was during Raji’s wedding that Malli met Kaveri for the first time, and later, at her college. Malli was intrigued by her caring nature and started falling for her. The egotistical man that he was, Malli conveyed his feelings to Kaveri in an authoritative manner, which freaked the girl out. She could never respond and had to hatch a plan to find out if he genuinely loved him. Kaveri came up with a fake story about her relationship with another guy and asked Malli to help her escape with him. Malli was heartbroken but agreed to do so. This convinced her of his loyalty and love for her, and she agreed to be his girlfriend. It was a cruel move made by Kaveri, but at the same time, Malli was not easy to deal with as well when he was chasing her. 

Did Malli transform himself?

Malli was ecstatic about Kaveri being his girlfriend, and as a way of showing his commitment to her, he gave up alcohol, smoking, and visiting prostitutes. He decided to focus on her and start a business of his own to sustain himself financially. Malli wanted to marry Kaveri at some point, and she was okay with the plan since she was in love with him as well. Around that time, Malli was caught by the police conversing with a prostitute arrested with some of his friends for carrying out some illegal work. Malli’s father came to bail him out, but he refused to acknowledge the old man as his father and referred to himself as an orphan. Only hours after Malli disregarded his father, the old man died of a heart attack, and Malli was granted bail on humanitarian grounds. Malli was neither angry nor sad, but indifferent, since his father and he never had a relationship to cry over. Malli did not perform the last rites out of spite and did not allow his half brother to see his father either. There was no end to Malli’s rage and sadness, and it seemed he had not changed much ever since his relationship with Kaveri. 

Why did Kaveri’s father not agree to the match?

Malli was keen on getting married to Kaveri, more so because her father was hinting about an alliance with a family friend and asked her to think about it. Malli was shocked to find out Kaveri’s father was a police officer who he had met with at the police station where he berated his father. Kaveri’s father was open about his displeasure at letting his only daughter marry a rowdy, and Malli, just like before, could not contain his anger. Kaveri’s father further added that Malli’s behavior towards his father also bothered him. Malli, out of anger, asked her to walk out with him, but she refused to do so. Kaveri could not abandon her father for him, which made him break up with her instantly. Malli did not attempt to convince her father and expected to be accepted just because he was ready to provide for her. He did not think twice before abandoning the woman he was in love with.

Who stabbed Malli?

Kaveri visited one last time, and Malli ended up humiliating her once again for abandoning him. This was his way of sabotaging everything he loved just because the situation did not pan out as per his expectation. Kaveri invited him to her wedding out of anger and hoped some sense would prevail in him and he would try to rectify the situation in a way that would help her father change his mind about who she would marry. The story moved to the current timeline, which is the scene from the prologue. Malli was drunk and had fallen off his two-wheeler. He was stabbed with the intention of murdering him by his younger half-brother Bachchala Ramana, who was instigated by Malli’s business rival Ganapati. Ramana was tired of Malli making his life miserable. He wanted to kill him just to be happy and in solace. Ramana and his mother were humiliated and ostracized by Malli because of his father’s actions. He was tired of his older brother’s wrath against him and his mother; killing him was the only way out. 

Why did Malli’s mother ask him to let it go?

Malli fortunately did not die of the stab wounds, yet he knew who the perpetrator was. He knew it was Ramana who wanted revenge for the attack on him. There was never an end to Malli’s rage, and he refused to internalize the fact that his actions may have provoked people to take up arms against him. To him, everyone was unreasonable; only his words and actions made sense to him. It was the first time Malli’s mother properly had a heart to heart conversation with him, something that had not happened in the past many years. Malli and his mother were not on good terms because of his father. Unlike his mother, who was of a mind to let things go, Malli was used to holding a grudge till the end and not worrying how situations might change. 

Malli’s mother begged him to stop sabotaging himself and his relationship for the sake of pent-up anger and resentment. She asked him to let go of the grudges, which would allow him to live peacefully in this world. She implied that her ability to let go of her husband helped her live a stress-free life, while Malli couldn’t let go of his rage, and it manifested into his maniacal anger issues because he never processed it the right way. Malli’s mother added that she had seen enough deaths in the family and did not have the strength to see the mortal remains of her son as well. The only way to make things right was to sort himself out, apologize, and let go. The grudge would only keep him stuck in a time frame, and he would not have a fulfilling future. It also included him not putting Ramana through an ordeal he was never at fault for. 

Was Malli dead or alive?

We believe Malli was able to process his mother’s words and try to make a sane decision. He went back to being himself and walked into Kaveri’s wedding with an attempt to return her ring, which she had given him as a gift to raise money for his now defunct business. Malli clearly had not moved on, and he showed up drunk with the intention of creating a ruckus that could possibly disrupt Kaveri’s wedding rituals. To his shock, Kaveri killed herself halfway into the wedding rituals. She was genuinely in love with Malli, and she could not stand to live with another man who did not get her. Her death came as a shock to Malli, since he never assumed the person he loved would take this drastic step. Her death shook the ego and selfish persona out of him since he realized he would never meet Kaveri again. Malli could never apologize to her for his actions, and that pain will remain with him forever. 

Kaveri’s death changed him for good, and he decided to include Ramana in his business and personal life from here on. Turns out his mother’s words did have an impact on him, and he began to be more forgiving and understanding of things. He began to let things go and realized it was not that difficult to accept the fact that life is not black and white. The sad part was the realization came too late, and he had to lose Kaveri to reach that conclusion. Malli also apologized to Kaveri’s father for not being easy on him and Kaveri, and hence ruining everyone’s life. He knew no amount of words would bring Kaveri back, but being good to her father was a start. At this point the film was becoming melodramatic, but at the same time it was about holding a mirror up to Malli and how his toxic behavior cost the lives of many. Malli, for the first time, agreed his attitude was problematic and wanted to work on it, if he was given a chance to do so. This was his plea to Ramana and Kaveri’s father. 

Malli visited the temple that he envisioned would be the venue for his wedding with Kaveri. Since none of that would ever happen, he slipped into a tragic depressive phase in no time. He was sad beyond words, and he believed nothing could make him better from this point on. He realized his behavior had cost him the love of his life; he never got closure from his father’s front. Malli died of a heart attack at the temple since his heart and mind could never withstand the pain that would engulf him from that point on. His mother dreaded seeing her son pass away before her and was shocked. This was the end of Bachchala Malli’s saga.

Smriti Kannan
Smriti Kannan
Smriti Kannan is a cinema enthusiast, and a part time film blogger. An ex public relations executive, films has been a major part of her life since the day she watched The Godfather – Part 1. If you ask her, cinema is reality. Cinema is an escape route. Cinema is time traveling. Cinema is entertainment. Smriti enjoys reading about cinema, she loves to know about cinema and finding out trivia of films and television shows, and from time to time indulges in fan theories.



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