Shreyas Pande

Shreyas is a screenwriter who likes contemplating on cinema. That is when he is not writing a poem or quoting some Urdu couplet or posting excessively on his Instagram.

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‘Missed Connections’ (2023) Netflix Review: A Consistently Unbearable Film

Missed Connections is a film that makes a one-minute scene stretch for 10 minutes with an excessively irritating performance from the female lead, a...

‘A Beautiful Life’ (2023) Review: A Disappointing Film Filled With Cliches

There is nothing in A Beautiful Life that we haven't seen multiple times before. It tells a worn-out story filled with the same tried-and-true...

‘Mixed By Erry’ (2023) Netflix Review: An Unusual Story Of Three Brothers That Warms You With Its Charm

Mixed by Erry feels like a musical piece, and rightly so, considering its subject matter has music at its center. Not wasting a single...

‘Reality’ (2023) Review: A Deeply Provocative And Genuine Piece Of Art

Films based on real incidents usually take one of the two forms: a dramatized fictional exploration or a non-fictional documentary style. The films in...

‘Where The Tracks End’ (2023) Review: A Coming Of Age Story That Fails To Come Together

Ernesto Contreras has the ability to spot poetry in the smallest of things. Even the title of his 2017 film, I Dream in Another...


‘Patience’ Series Recap & Ending Explained: Who Killed Dr. Chopra?

Channel 4’s latest thriller drama series, Patience, may seem...

‘Bloody Axe Wound’ Movie Ending Explained & Full Story: What Happens To Abby And Sam?

Written and directed by Matthew John Lawrence, the primary...

‘America’s Sweetheart’ Review: Ari Shaffir’s Netflix Special Is Quite Impressive

I'm going to start by showing some appreciation for...