Shikhar Agrawal

I am an Onstage Dramatist and a Screenwriter. I have been working in the Indian Film Industry for the past 10 years, majorly writing dialogues for various films and television shows.

Exclusive articles:

How To Write A Screenplay – Script Writing Fundamentals And Important Elements

Almost all the greatest filmmakers have credited the success of their films to a well written script. Screenplay is the blueprint or a foundation...

Guerrilla Filmmaking – An Approach To Independent Filmmaking

Samuel Fuller said, “Film is a battleground.” Similarly, Filmmaking is War. But is it always that the guy with big guns wins the battle?...


‘Prison Cell 211’ Recap And Ending Explained: What Does The Rooster Symbolize?

Due to its sensitive location on account of lying...

‘Wrong Side Of The Tracks’ Season 4 Recap: Is Tirso Dead?

The fourth and final season of acclaimed Spanish crime...

‘Kobali’ Recap, Ending Explained & Full Story: Are Srinu And Ramu Dead?

Logic and artistic sensibility both take the backseat in...